


Returns the application settings that you have specified in the application, either in the Application.cfc or Application.cfm. For details, see Application Variables section in CFML Reference.

  • If you have turned on Enable Global Script Protection in ColdFusion Administrator (Server Settings > Settings), the value returned is the default scopes protected (form, URL, CGI, or Cookie). If you specify an invalid value, none, or if Enable Global Script Protection is turned off in ColdFusion Administrator, none is returned.
  • If you have specified memory limit for VFS in ColdFusion Administrator and if Memory Limit per Application for In-Memory Virtual File System (Server Settings > Settings) has a value lesser than what you have specified in the Application.cfc (this.inmemoryfilesystem.size), then the returned value is the one specified in the ColdFusion Administrator and not the Application.cfc.
  •  If ColdFusion does not find the Application.cfc/Application. cfm ColdFusion searches for the application in the order in which you have set Application.cfm/Application. cfc look up order (ColdFusion Administrator > Settings > Server Settings). If no application is found, an empty struct is returned.


A struct that contains application settings such as name, sessionManagement, or invokeImplicitAccessor.


Added in ColdFusion 10.


Other functions




The example shows how you can access application settings in the CFM using the function getApplicationMetadata:


{ = "myapp";
this.applicationtimeout = createtimespan(0, 0, 0, 10);
this.sessiontimeout = createtimespan(0, 0, 0, 10);
this.sessionmanagement = true;
this.clientmanagement = true;
this.datasource = "cfartgallery";
this.ormenabled = true;
this.secureJSON = true;
this.secureJSONPrefix = "///";
this.setClientCookies = true;
this.setDomainCookies = true;
this.setClientStorage = "Registry";
this.setLoginStorage = "Cookies";
this.scriptProtect = "all";
this.mappings["mymapping"] = getdirectoryfrompath(cgi.cf_template_path);
this.customTagPaths = "path1,path2,path3";
this.invokeImplicitAccessor = true;
this.inmemoryfilesystem.enabled = true;
this.inmemoryfilesystem.size = 10;




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