LiveCycle ES3 SP2 | Forms | Quick Fix 1051-001

Posted on Jun 12, 2014


This QF may not be the latest Forms and Output QF for LiveCycle ES3 Service Pack 2 (10.0.4). For a complete and latest list of LiveCycle ES3 SP2 (10.0.4) QFs, see LiveCycle ES3 SP2 Quick Fixes.

Contact Support for more information or to obtain the QF.

Issues fixed in the QF

  • Images and data referenced in a form and stored in a remote repository go missing from the form when it is rendered using LiveCycle forms. (Ref #LC-3912974)

Prerequisites to installing the QF

  • Adobe LiveCycle ES3 SP2 (10.0.4)

Installing and configuring the QF

  1. Take a backup of the <LiveCycle_root>/deploy folder. It is required if you decide to uninstall the quick fix.
  2. Stop your application server.
  3. Extract the QF archive file to your hard drive.
  4. From the directory named according to your operating system, double-click lces3_qf_install.bin or lces3_qf_install.exe. It launches an installation wizard.
  5. Select the language to use in the installation wizard and click OK.
  6. On the Introduction panel, click Next.
  7. Accept the default Adobe LiveCycle product directory or click Choose to select a different location, and click Next.
  8. Read the Quick Fix Patch Summary information and click Next.
  9. Read the Pre-Installation Summary information and click Install.
  10. When the installation is complete, click Next to apply the quick fix updates to your installed files.
  11. When the quick fix installation is complete, click Finish to exit the wizard.
    Navigate to the [LiveCycleES3 root]/configurationManager/bin directory and invoke configurationManager.bat or to launch LiveCycle Configuration Manager.
  12. Depending on your application server, choose one of the following documents and follow the instructions in the Configuring and Deploying LiveCycle section.

Impacted LiveCycle modules

  • Forms

Uninstalling the QF

  1. Navigate to <LiveCycle_root>/patch/<QF_Patch_ID>/backup_<QF_Patch_ID>
  2. Copy all files and folders from the backup folder and paste to the <LiveCycle_root> folder.
  3. Edit each of the licenses/ files to:
    • Remove the <QF_Patch_ID> value from the PatchVersion= line.
    • Remove the <QF_Patch_ID> section from the end of the file.
  4. Run LiveCycle Configuration Manager (LCM) to reconfigure and redeploy your LiveCycle system.

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