Curve subdivide | Substance 3D Designer

Curve subdivide

In: Substance model graph/Modification



The Curve subdivide node adds evenly spaced vertices between each vertex of a curve, according the selected subdivision strategy.


  • Curves Scene
    The scene holding the curves which should be offset.
  • Subdivision strategy Integer (selects an Enum index)
    The method by which the curves should be subdivided:
    • Number of subdivision: Add the specified number of evenly spaced vertices between each vertex;
    • Constant spacing: Add the lowest amount of evenly spaced vertices between each vertex to meet the specified spacing.
  • Tessellation Integer
    The amount of vertices which should be added between each vertex.
    Note: This parameter is available when the Subdivision strategy parameter is set to Number of subdivision.
  • Spacing Float
    The minimum distance by which the added vertices should be spaced, considering spacing remains even from one vertex to the next.
    Note: This parameter is available when the Subdivision strategy parameter is set to Constant spacing.

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