Offset curve | Substance 3D Designer

Offset curve

In: Substance model graph/Modification



The Offset curve node applies an offset to open or closed curves projected on a plane. The offset is akin to inflating/deflating the curve from is pivot outward. Corners and ends can be turned into hard edges or smooth arcs.


  • Curves Scene
    The scene holding the curves which should be offset.
  • Joint Integer (selects an Enum index)
    The shape which should be applied on corners:
    • Bevel: Corners are cut into a hard edge;
    • Round: Corners are smoothed into an arc;
    • Miter: Corners are cut into a hard edge when a specific offset distance – the Miter Limit – is reached.
  • Curve type Integer (selects an Enum index)
    Specifies how curves in the Curves input scene should be interpreted:
    • Closed: the curves are closed, and their open ends are connected with a straight line;
    • Open: the curves are open, and their open ends are left intact.
  • Closed method Integer (selects an Enum index)
    Specifies the method by which the closed curves should be offset:
    Note: This parameter is available when the Curve Type parameter is set to Closed.
    • Closed Polygon: The curves are offset outward only as single curves;
    • Closed Line:: The curves are offset both outward and inward into pairs of curves.
  • Open method Integer (selects an Enum index)
    Specifies the method by which the open curves should be offset:
    Note: This parameter is available when the Curve Type parameter is set to Open.
    • Closed Polygon: The curves are closed with a straight line, then offset outward only as single curves;
    • Closed Line:: The curves are closed with a straight line, then offset both outward and inward into pairs of curves;
    • Open End: The curves are offset both outward and inward into pairs of curves;
    • Open Square: The curves are offset both outward and inward into pairs of curves, and their ends are extended with a joint square;
    • Open Round: The curves are offset both outward and inward into pairs of curves, and their ends are extended with a joint circle.
  • Offset Float
    The distance of the offset applied to the curves.
  • Swap offset Boolean
    Inverts the direction of the offset when curves are offset in a single direction.
    Note: This parameter is available when the Closed Method or Open Method parameters are set to Closed Polygon.
  • Tessellation Integer
    The number of edges used to build arcs.
    Note: This parameter is available when the Joint parameter is set to Round or the Open Method is set to Open Round.
  • Miter Limit Float
    The maximum distance in multiples of offset that curve vertices can be offset by before beveling is applied.
    Note: This parameter is available when the Joint parameter is set to Miter.
  • Transform
    • Basis Scene
      The scene holding the reference Basis to be used.
    • Basis mode Integer
      The arrangement of the axis in the reference Basis.

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