UV project | Substance 3D Designer

UV project

In: Substance Model graph/Modification



The UV project node generates UVs for meshes in the input Scene by performing the specified projection type among planar, cylindrical and spherical. Tiling and orientation of the projection are also adjustable.


  • Input scene Scene
    The input scene holding the meshes which UVs should be generated for and the projection should be performed on.
  • Use basis Boolean
    Align the orientation of the projection to the input Basis.
  • Projection type Integer
    Defines which projection type is performed on the meshes in the input Scene, from the following options:
    • Planar: Projects the mesh on the XZ plane of the Basis;
    • Cylindrical: Projects the mesh on a cylinder which top and bottom faces are aligned with XZ planes of the Basis;
    • Spherical: Projects the mesh on a sphere which poles are aligned with the Y-axis of the Basis.
  • Basis parameters
    • Basis Scene
      The scene holding the reference Basis to be used.
    • Basis mode Integer
      The arrangement of the axis in the reference Basis.
  • Tiling Vector2
    Controls the scale of the projected UVs inverse-proportionally on U and V, respectively mapped to the X and Y components of a vector2.
  • Flip U Scene
    Inverses the the UV space on the U-axis.
  • Flip V Scene
    Inverses the UV space on the V-axis.

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