Binary operation on vector3 | Substance 3D Designer

Binary operation on vector3

In: Substance model graph/Operation



The Binary operation on float node outputs the result of the operation set by the user on the input vectors.

Operations are carried out per component of input vectors – i.e. for two vectors A = (Ax, Ay, Az) and B = (Bx, By, Bz), the addition of B to A is A + B = (Ax + Bx, Ay + By, Az + Bz).


  • Operation Integer
    The operation applied to the input values:
    • Addition A+B
    • Subtraction A–B
    • Multiplication A*B
    • Division A/B
    • Cross product: AxB = sin(a)*|A|*|B|* n where a is the angle between A and B, and n is the unit vector perpendicular to the plane containing A and B
    • Minimum Ax if Ax - Ay <= 0 OR Ay if Ax – Ay > 0, and so on for each component
    • Maximum Ax if Ax - Ay > 0 OR Ay if Ax – Ay <= 0 , and so on for each component
  • Left hand side argument Vector3
    The first operand A of the operation
  • Right hand side argument Vector3
    The second operand B of the operation

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