Last updated on 12 Mar 2025

Learn how to align images, videos, and other design elements to position them perfectly in your design.

Adobe Express deeplink

Try the app
Follow along with any design to learn how to align elements. 

  1. Open a design in the Adobe Express editor.

  2. Select the image, video, or design asset you want to align.

  3. On the left panel, select Position.

  4. Choose your desired alignment options. You can align to the top, bottom, left, right, or middle of the editor.

    The images shows the alignment options on the left panel, like Top, Left, Middle, Center, Bottom, Right, Flip H, and Flip V.
    Top-Left alignment position for the design to align it to the top and left side of the editor.


    You can select only two alignments at a time. Additionally, you can select Flip H (Horizontal) and Flip V (Vertical) for your design element. 

  5. Select Download