Guidelines for Experience Cloud Support Tickets

Provide the following details with any support request to help us streamline your service.


Give us a brief summary of your issue.

Account information:

Include your company name in your support request.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

Provide instructions with as much detail as possible, including any URLs needed to duplicate the issue and what your expected experience should be.

Please be specific enough that someone unfamiliar with the workflow could easily reproduce the problem.

Support priority:

For information on Support priorities, see Terms and Conditions.

Business impact:

Tell us how this issue is impacting your business. Examples of business impact we’d like to know could be:

  • the issue is causing revenue loss.
  • work production is slowed, but a workaround was found.
  • the product is rendered unusable.

Your expectations:

We’d like to know what you expect to happen in order to resolve your issue.

Additional information:

Include any additional information that you think will help us to solve the problem.


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Adobe MAX 2024

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The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online

Adobe MAX

The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online

Adobe MAX 2024

Adobe MAX
The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online

Adobe MAX

The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online