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Adjust color rendering in Camera Raw

  1. Photoshop User Guide
  2. Introduction to Photoshop
    1. Dream it. Make it.
    2. What's new in Photoshop
    3. Edit your first photo
    4. Create documents
    5. Photoshop | Common Questions
    6. Photoshop system requirements
    7. Photoshop system requirements
    8. Get to know Photoshop
    9. Keep Photoshop up to date
  3. Photoshop and other Adobe products and services
    1. Work with Illustrator artwork in Photoshop
    2. Work with Photoshop files in InDesign
    3. Substance 3D Materials for Photoshop
    4. Use the Capture in-app extension in Photoshop
  4. Photoshop on mobile (not available in mainland China)
    1. User guide
    2. What's New 
    3. Technical requirements    
  5. Photoshop on the iPad (not available in mainland China)
    1. Photoshop on the iPad | Common questions
    2. Get to know the workspace
    3. System requirements | Photoshop on the iPad
    4. Create, open, and export documents
    5. Add photos
    6. Work with layers
    7. Draw and paint with brushes
    8. Make selections and add masks
    9. Retouch your composites
    10. Work with adjustment layers
    11. Adjust the tonality of your composite with Curves
    12. Apply transform operations
    13. Crop and rotate your composites
    14. Rotate, pan, zoom, and reset the canvas
    15. Work with Type layers
    16. Work with Photoshop and Lightroom
    17. Get missing fonts in Photoshop on the iPad
    18. Japanese Text in Photoshop on the iPad
    19. Manage app settings
    20. Touch shortcuts and gestures
    21. Keyboard shortcuts
    22. Edit your image size
    23. Livestream as you create in Photoshop on the iPad
    24. Correct imperfections with the Healing Brush
    25. Create brushes in Capture and use them in Photoshop on the iPad
    26. Work with Camera Raw files
    27. Create and work with Smart Objects
    28. Adjust exposure in your images with Dodge and Burn
    29. Auto adjustment commands in Photoshop on the iPad
    30. Smudge areas in your images with Photoshop on the iPad
    31. Saturate or desaturate your images using Sponge tool
    32. Content aware fill for iPad
  6. Photoshop on the web (not available in mainland China)
    1. User guide
    2. What's new in Photoshop
    3. Technical requirements
    4. Common questions
    5. Draw and edit Shapes
    6. Work with anyone on the web
  7. Photoshop (beta) (not available in mainland China)
    1. Get started with Creative Cloud Beta apps
    2. Photoshop (beta) on the desktop
    3. Reference Image
  8. Generative AI (not available in mainland China) 
    1. Common questions on generative AI in Photoshop
    2. Generative Fill in Photoshop on the desktop
    3. Generate Image with descriptive text prompts
    4. Generative Expand in Photoshop on the desktop
    5. Replace background with Generate background
    6. Get new variations with Generate Similar
    7. Generative Fill in Photoshop on the iPad
    8. Generative Expand in Photoshop on the iPad
    9. Generative AI features in Photoshop on the web
  9. Content authenticity (not available in mainland China)
    1. Content credentials in Photoshop
    2. Identity and provenance for NFTs
    3. Connect accounts for creative attribution
  10. Cloud documents (not available in mainland China)
    1. Photoshop cloud documents | Common questions
    2. Photoshop cloud documents | Workflow questions
    3. Manage and work with cloud documents in Photoshop
    4. Upgrade cloud storage for Photoshop
    5. Unable to create or save a cloud document
    6. Solve Photoshop cloud document errors
    7. Collect cloud document sync logs
    8. Invite others to edit your cloud documents
    9. Share files and comment in-app
  11. Workspace
    1. Workspace basics
    2. Preferences
    3. Learn faster with the Photoshop Discover Panel
    4. Create documents
    5. Place files
    6. Default keyboard shortcuts
    7. Customize keyboard shortcuts
    8. Tool galleries
    9. Performance preferences
    10. Use tools
    11. Presets
    12. Grid and guides
    13. Touch gestures
    14. Use the Touch Bar with Photoshop
    15. Touch capabilities and customizable workspaces
    16. Technology previews
    17. Metadata and notes
    18. Place Photoshop images in other applications
    19. Rulers
    20. Show or hide non-printing Extras
    21. Specify columns for an image
    22. Undo and history
    23. Panels and menus
    24. Position elements with snapping
    25. Position with the Ruler tool
  12. Web, screen, and app design
    1. Photoshop for design
    2. Artboards
    3. Device Preview
    4. Copy CSS from layers
    5. Slice web pages
    6. HTML options for slices
    7. Modify slice layout
    8. Work with web graphics
    9. Create web photo galleries
  13. Image and color basics
    1. How to resize images
    2. Work with raster and vector images
    3. Image size and resolution
    4. Acquire images from cameras and scanners
    5. Create, open, and import images
    6. View images
    7. Invalid JPEG Marker error | Opening images
    8. Viewing multiple images
    9. Customize color pickers and swatches
    10. High dynamic range images
    11. Match colors in your image
    12. Convert between color modes
    13. Color modes
    14. Erase parts of an image
    15. Blending modes
    16. Choose colors
    17. Customize indexed color tables
    18. Image information
    19. Distort filters are unavailable
    20. About color
    21. Color and monochrome adjustments using channels
    22. Choose colors in the Color and Swatches panels
    23. Sample
    24. Color mode or Image mode
    25. Color cast
    26. Add a conditional mode change to an action
    27. Add swatches from HTML CSS and SVG
    28. Bit depth and preferences
  14. Layers
    1. Layer basics
    2. Nondestructive editing
    3. Create and manage layers and groups
    4. Select, group, and link layers
    5. Place images into frames
    6. Layer opacity and blending
    7. Mask layers
    8. Apply Smart Filters
    9. Layer comps
    10. Move, stack, and lock layers
    11. Mask layers with vector masks
    12. Manage layers and groups
    13. Layer effects and styles
    14. Edit layer masks
    15. Extract assets
    16. Reveal layers with clipping masks
    17. Generate image assets from layers
    18. Work with Smart Objects
    19. Blending modes
    20. Combine multiple images into a group portrait
    21. Combine images with Auto-Blend Layers
    22. Align and distribute layers
    23. Copy CSS from layers
    24. Load selections from a layer or layer mask's boundaries
    25. Knockout to reveal content from other layers
  15. Selections
    1. Get started with selections
    2. Make selections in your composite
    3. Select and Mask workspace
    4. Select with the marquee tools
    5. Select with the lasso tools
    6. Adjust pixel selections
    7. Move, copy, and delete selected pixels
    8. Create a temporary quick mask
    9. Select a color range in an image
    10. Convert between paths and selection borders
    11. Channel basics
    12. Save selections and alpha channel masks
    13. Select the image areas in focus
    14. Duplicate, split, and merge channels
    15. Channel calculations
  16. Image adjustments
    1. Replace object colors
    2. Perspective warp
    3. Reduce camera shake blurring
    4. Healing brush examples
    5. Export color lookup tables
    6. Adjust image sharpness and blur
    7. Understand color adjustments
    8. Apply a Brightness/Contrast adjustment
    9. Adjust shadow and highlight detail
    10. Levels adjustment
    11. Adjust hue and saturation
    12. Adjust vibrance
    13. Adjust color saturation in image areas
    14. Make quick tonal adjustments
    15. Apply special color effects to images
    16. Enhance your image with color balance adjustments
    17. High dynamic range images
    18. View histograms and pixel values
    19. Match colors in your image
    20. Crop and straighten photos
    21. Convert a color image to black and white
    22. Adjustment and fill layers
    23. Curves adjustment
    24. Blending modes
    25. Target images for press
    26. Adjust color and tone with Levels and Curves eyedroppers
    27. Adjust HDR exposure and toning
    28. Dodge or burn image areas
    29. Make selective color adjustments
  17. Adobe Camera Raw
    1. Camera Raw system requirements
    2. What's new in Camera Raw
    3. Introduction to Camera Raw
    4. Create panoramas
    5. Supported lenses
    6. Vignette, grain, and dehaze effects in Camera Raw
    7. Default keyboard shortcuts
    8. Automatic perspective correction in Camera Raw
    9. Radial Filter in Camera Raw
    10. Manage Camera Raw settings
    11. Open, process, and save images in Camera Raw
    12. Repair images with the Enhanced Spot Removal tool in Camera Raw
    13. Rotate, crop, and adjust images
    14. Adjust color rendering in Camera Raw
    15. Process versions in Camera Raw
    16. Make local adjustments in Camera Raw
  18. Image repair and restoration
    1. Remove Tool
    2. Remove objects from your photos with Content-Aware Fill
    3. Content-Aware Patch and Move
    4. Retouch and repair photos
    5. Correct image distortion and noise
    6. Basic troubleshooting steps to fix most issues
  19. Image enhancement and transformation
    1. Replace sky in your images
    2. Transform objects
    3. Adjust crop, rotation, and canvas size
    4. How to crop and straighten photos
    5. Create and edit panoramic images
    6. Warp images, shapes, and paths
    7. Vanishing Point
    8. Content-aware scaling
    9. Transform images, shapes, and paths
  20. Drawing and painting
    1. Paint symmetrical patterns
    2. Draw rectangles and modify stroke options
    3. About drawing
    4. Draw and edit shapes
    5. Painting tools
    6. Create and modify brushes
    7. Blending modes
    8. Add color to paths
    9. Edit paths
    10. Paint with the Mixer Brush
    11. Brush presets
    12. Gradients
    13. Gradient interpolation
    14. Fill and stroke selections, layers, and paths
    15. Draw with the Pen tools
    16. Create patterns
    17. Generate a pattern using the Pattern Maker
    18. Manage paths
    19. Manage pattern libraries and presets
    20. Draw or paint with a graphics tablet
    21. Create textured brushes
    22. Add dynamic elements to brushes
    23. Gradient
    24. Paint stylized strokes with the Art History Brush
    25. Paint with a pattern
    26. Sync presets on multiple devices
    27. Migrate presets, actions, and settings
  21. Text
    1. Add and edit the text
    2. Unified Text Engine
    3. Work with OpenType SVG fonts
    4. Format characters
    5. Format paragraphs
    6. How to create type effects
    7. Edit text
    8. Line and character spacing
    9. Arabic and Hebrew type
    10. Fonts
    11. Troubleshoot fonts
    12. Asian type
    13. Create type
  22. Filters and effects
    1. Use the Blur Gallery
    2. Filter basics
    3. Filter effects reference
    4. Add Lighting Effects
    5. Use the Adaptive Wide Angle filter
    6. Use the Oil Paint filter
    7. Use the Liquify filter
    8. Layer effects and styles
    9. Apply specific filters
    10. Smudge image areas
  23. Saving and exporting
    1. Save your files in Photoshop
    2. Export your files in Photoshop
    3. Supported file formats
    4. Save files in graphics formats
    5. Move designs between Photoshop and Illustrator
    6. Save and export video and animations
    7. Save PDF files
    8. Digimarc copyright protection
  24. Color Management
    1. Understanding color management
    2. Keeping colors consistent
    3. Color settings
    4. Duotones
    5. Work with color profiles
    6. Color-managing documents for online viewing
    7. Color-managing documents when printing
    8. Color-managing imported images
    9. Proofing colors
  25. Web, screen, and app design
    1. Photoshop for design
    2. Artboards
    3. Device Preview
    4. Copy CSS from layers
    5. Slice web pages
    6. HTML options for slices
    7. Modify slice layout
    8. Work with web graphics
    9. Create web photo galleries
  26. Video and animation
    1. Video editing in Photoshop
    2. Edit video and animation layers
    3. Video and animation overview
    4. Preview video and animations
    5. Paint frames in video layers
    6. Import video files and image sequences
    7. Create frame animations
    8. Creative Cloud 3D Animation (Preview)
    9. Create timeline animations
    10. Create images for video
  27. Printing
    1. Print 3D objects
    2. Print from Photoshop
    3. Print with color management
    4. Contact Sheets and PDF Presentations
    5. Print photos in a picture package layout
    6. Print spot colors
    7. Print images to a commercial printing press
    8. Improve color prints from Photoshop
    9. Troubleshoot printing problems | Photoshop
  28. Automation
    1. Creating actions
    2. Create data-driven graphics
    3. Scripting
    4. Process a batch of files
    5. Play and manage actions
    6. Add conditional actions
    7. About actions and the Actions panel
    8. Record tools in actions
    9. Add a conditional mode change to an action
    10. Photoshop UI toolkit for plug-ins and scripts
  29. Troubleshooting
    1. Fixed issues 
    2. Known issues
    3. Optimize Photoshop performance
    4. Basic troubleshooting
    5. Troubleshoot crash or freeze
    6. Troubleshoot program errors
    7. Troubleshoot scratch disk full errors
    8. Troubleshoot scratch disk full errors
    9. Troubleshoot GPU and graphics driver issues
    10. Find missing tools
    11. Photoshop 3D | Common questions around discontinued features

Learn how to apply profiles to your photos in Adobe Camera Raw.

Profiles allow you to control the colors and tonality in your photos, providing a foundation for your edits. Applying a profile doesn’t change the values of other editing sliders, so you can edit your pictures freely and then use a profile to enhance the already edited image. 

Apply a profile to your image

  1. Open a raw photo in Adobe Camera Raw, select  , and then select the Profile you want to apply from the drop-down menu. 


    When you import photos, Adobe Color and Adobe Monochrome profiles are applied by default to color and black-and-white photos, respectively.

  2. Select the Browse icon to view all Camera Raw profiles. 

  3. Expand any of the profile groups to view the available options.

    Select the drop-down in the Profile Browser panel to access the viewing options. You can view the profiles as Grid thumbnails or as a List. You can also filter the profiles using ColorB&W, or All.


    Displays profiles that you've marked as favorite. See Add profiles to Favorites.


    When you apply any of the AdaptiveArtisticB&WModern, and Vintage profiles, an Amount slider lets you manually adjust the intensity of the profile. For other profiles, the Amount slider is dimmed or inactive.

  4. Move the pointer over any profile to preview its effect in your photo. Select the profile to apply it to your photo.

  5. To return to the Basic panel, select Close at the upper-right corner of the Profile Browser panel.

Types of Profiles in Adobe Camera Raw

Camera Raw offers a variety of Profiles for you to select from. Learn more about the types of Profiles:

Adobe Camera Raw profile options
Select the desired Adobe Profile to enhance your photos.

Adaptive Profiles

The Adaptive profiles help with image-adaptive adjustments for SDR and HDR images. Perfect for raw photos, Adaptive can help adjust the tone and color, enhancing contrast.  

The Adaptive profiles work best on raw HDR images. The default version of the profile does not support Monochrome raw files, while the Monochrome version does. Once you have applied the profile to a photo, select HDR to enhance the image with adjustments specifically for HDR. You can also view the SDR version of the same image. 

  • When you select B&W, the Adaptive B&W profile will be selected automatically. 
  • It's recommended to not apply the Auto and Adaptive profiles together.
  • Apply the Adaptive profiles before making other edits and adjustments in Camera Raw.

Adobe Raw Profiles 

  • Adobe Color: This is the default profile, providing a good balance of color and contrast.
  • Adobe Monochrome: This is ideal for black and white photography.
  • Adobe Landscape: This enhances blues and greens, perfect for landscape shots.
  • Adobe Portrait: This improves skin tones for portrait photography.
  • Adobe Neutral: This offers a more subdued color palette, which is helpful for further editing.
  • Adobe Vivid: This provides more vibrant colors and contrast. 

Camera Matching Profiles

The Camera Matching Profiles display profiles based on the camera make or model of your raw photo. These profiles match the color and tone of the in-camera JPEGs, such as Camera Standard, Camera Vivid, Camera Landscape, and more.

Creative Profiles

Creative profiles in Camera Raw add stylistic effects to a photo. You can apply these profiles to any image type (including JPEGs and TIFFs), not just raw files. This profile type includes Modern, Vintage, Artistic, and B&W profiles.

Add profiles to Favorites

To add a profile to Favorites, do one of the following:

  • When browsing the profiles in the Grid view, hover over the profile thumbnail and click the star icon that appears at the upper-right corner of the thumbnail. 
  • When browsing the profiles in the List view, click the star icon that appears before the profile's name.

When you add a profile to Favorites, the Profile pop-up menu in the Basic tab of the Camera Raw dialog box gets updated too. When you remove a profile from Favorites, this Profile pop-up menu reflects the change. This way, you can easily customize the Basic pop-up menu with your favorite or most frequently used profiles for easier access.

Install profiles

Manually install profiles

The existing DCP profiles on your computer are automatically converted to XMP format. If you want to add a DCP profile after the first launch, copy the profile manually to the following locations:

Win: C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\CameraProfiles
Mac: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/CameraProfiles

To manually add an XMP profile, copy the profile to the following location:

Win: C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\Settings
Mac: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/Settings

Import profiles and presets

You can import DCP and XMP profiles and presets as zip files using the Import Profiles and Presets dialog box. To access this dialog box, follow these steps:

  1. In the Basic panel of the Camera Raw dialog box, click the Profile drop-down list.

  2. Select Browse.

  3. In the Profile Browser panel, right-click (Windows)/Command-click (Mac) anywhere on the profile groups area and select Import Profiles and Presets from the context menu.

    Alternatively, you can right-click (Windows)/Command-click (Mac) in the Preset panel and select Import Profiles and Presets.

  4. In the Import Profiles and Presets dialog box, select your desired profile or preset and select Open to import it.

    Access the imported profiles in the Profile Browser panel.


The Import Profiles and Presets dialog box allows you to import zip files only. To import individual profiles and presets, you can manually install them at the right location. See Manually install profiles to know more.

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