Last updated on Mar 10, 2025

Learn how to remove spots from images using the Spot healing brush tool.


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The Spot healing brush uses sampled pixels from an image or pattern to match the texture, lighting, transparency, and shading of the area being healed.

  1. On the Photoshop on the web homepage, under Start something new, select Upload an image and browse for a file on your device.

  2. Select Retouch > Spot healing brush .

  3. Using the Spot healing brush dropdown menu, adjust the Brush size and Brush hardness sliders. 

    • Choose a brush size slightly larger than the area you want to fix to cover the entire area with one brush stroke.
    • Select Sample all layers in the options bar if you’d like to sample data from all visible layers, not just the active one.
  4. Select More options and adjust the sliders for the Spacing, Angle, and Roundness of the brush.

  5. Select the Type of source sampling from the available options:

    • Content-aware: Compares nearby image content to seamlessly fill the selection, realistically maintaining key details such as shadows and object edges.
    • Create texture: Uses pixels in the selection to create a texture. If the texture doesn’t work, try dragging through the area again.
    • Proximity match: Uses pixels around the edge of the selection to find an area to use as a patch.
  6. Select the area you want to heal or select and drag to remove spots from a larger area.

  7. Select Download.

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