Learn how qualified Adobe Stock Contributors can redeem bonus codes for complimentary access to Adobe Creative Cloud plans.
Before redeeming a code in the Adobe Stock Contributor portal, note that you can only access your personal URL link once to make your product selection and redeem your code. If you aren’t ready to redeem your bonus, don’t click the link. If you’ve already clicked it, copy the redemption URL or your 24-character alpha-numeric code for later use.
Don’t forget: Bonus codes will expire in 12 months if not redeemed, and Adobe Stock won’t provide replacements for expired codes.
If you had 7,000 or more downloads in 2024, you qualified to receive a complimentary code for a one-year plan for an Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps. Skip ahead to find out on how to redeem the your code. Or skip ahead to read the Adobe Stock Contributor bonus program FAQ.
Redeem your code for the Adobe Creative Cloud Photography (20GB) plan or the InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, or After Effects Single App plan.
Log in to the Contributor portal. You’ll see a blue banner in your dashboard with a link to your personal URL where you can select a plan.
Select your complimentary Creative Cloud app. IMPORTANT: Once you click the blue Select button, you will not be able to change your mind. You won’t be able to access the personal URL again, either.
Redeem your code for the selected Creative Cloud app. As mentioned above, if you want to delay redemption, copy the URL or the 24-character alpha-numeric code and save it for later use. Once you’re ready to redeem it, go to https://redeem.adobe.com and enter the code, or paste your saved URL into your browser and then follow steps 4 through 6.
Click the Redeem code button.
Click Remind me later if you want to bypass the credit card entry page for automatic renewal payments. If you enter a credit card when redeeming your code, your membership will automatically renew at the regular price once the complimentary 12-month term has ended.
Click Get started to download the selected app.
Keep in mind:
If you already have an active Creative Cloud plan, like Creative Cloud Photography (20GB), and you redeem the exact same plan with the same Adobe ID, your billing will be paused for 12 months if you have a plan that’s billed monthly. If you paid for the full year in advance, the 12-month term of your bonus plan will stack on top of your existing plan.
If you already have an active Creative Cloud plan and redeem a different Creative Cloud plan with the same Adobe ID, the plans will run in parallel. It may make sense to wait until your paid membership is up for renewal before you redeem your bonus plan. For example, if you have a paid subscription for the Creative Cloud All Apps plan, it doesn’t make sense to redeem the Photography plan or a Single App plan before your paid All Apps membership has ended.
It’s important that you don’t select your complimentary plan (step 2) until your paid membership has expired, or, in case you’ve already selected your complimentary plan, copy the 24 alpha-numeric redemption code to a safe location for later redemption (step 3).
Redeem your code for the Creative Cloud All Apps plan.
Log in to the Contributor portal. You’ll see a blue banner in your dashboard with a link to redeem the plan.
Redeem your code for Creative Cloud All Apps. As mentioned above, if you want to delay redemption, copy the URL or the 24-character alpha-numeric code and save it for later use. Once you’re ready to redeem, go to https://redeem.adobe.com and enter your code, or paste your saved URL into your browser and then follow steps 3 through 5.
Click the Redeem code button.
Click Remind me later if you want to bypass the credit card entry page for automatic renewal payments. If you enter a credit card when redeeming your code, your membership will automatically renew at the regular price once the complimentary 12-month term has ended.
Click Get started to download the apps.
Keep in mind:
If you already have an active Creative Cloud All Apps plan and you redeem the exact same plan with the same Adobe ID, your billing will be paused for 12 months if you have a plan that’s billed monthly. If you paid for the full year in advance, the 12-month term of your bonus plan will stack on top of your existing plan.
If you already have a different active Creative Cloud plan and redeem the Creative Cloud All Apps bonus plan with the same Adobe ID, the plans will run in parallel. It may make sense to wait until your paid membership is up for renewal before you redeem your Creative Cloud All Apps bonus plan. It’s important that you copy the 24-character alpha-numeric redemption code to a safe location for later redemption (step 2).
Frequently asked questions
If you had between 350 and 6,999 downloads during the 2024 calendar year, you qualified to receive a complimentary code for a one-year plan for Creative Cloud Photography (20GB), Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, or After Effects.
If you had 7,000 or more downloads in 2024, you qualified to receive a complimentary code for a one-year plan for an Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps.
Only Contributors active in 2024 are eligible for the opportunity. To be considered active, you must have uploaded and had approved a minimum of 150 new assets.
Please note that video downloads are equal to 3 downloads in consideration of the qualification.
If you are eligible for the bonus opportunity you can expect to see the blue banner in the Contributor Portal with your redemption code on January 14, 2025.
You can confirm your 2024 downloads by going to Insights > My Statistics in the Contributor portal.
Unfortunately, no. Your initial selection is final.
Follow these steps:
Go to https://redeem.adobe.com
Sign in with the same Adobe ID you used before.
Enter your code.
Click Remind me later to bypass the credit card entry page.
Click Get started to download and install the software.
If you saved the redemption page URL, copy and paste it into a browser window and your redemption code will be entered for you.
If you have the exact same plan as the one you received as a bonus and redeem the code using the same Adobe ID, billing will be suspended for 12 months if you’re billed monthly. If you paid for the full year in advance, the year of your bonus plan will start once your prepaid year is over.
If your paid plan is different from your selected Creative Cloud bonus plan, it may make sense to delay redemption until the paid plan is up for renewal, because otherwise the plans will run in parallel and you may not get any benefit from the complimentary plan.
You can redeem the code until January 10, 2026.
The complimentary time is stackable as long as you redeem the exact same plan as your current plan under the same Adobe ID. If you can redeem your 2024 bonus code now, you’ll add 12 months of additional time to your plan.
No. We don’t permit Contributors to gift or sell their bonus codes.
Use the Contact us link at the bottom of the Contributor portal, or write to us at https://contributor.stock.adobe.com/en/contact