Helps users organize and manage conversations from a Microsoft Exchange account. The following actions are supported:
- Finds the required conversations in folder/subfolders based on filters.
- Status of the conversation; if read
- Copy, move, or delete conversation
ColdFusion 10: Added this tag.
get |
See also
cfexchangecalendar, cfexchangeconnection, cfexchangefilter, cfexchangemail, cfexchangetask, Interacting with Microsoft Exchange Servers in the Developing ColdFusion Applications
Attribute |
Action |
Req/Opt |
Default |
Description |
action |
N/A |
Required |
The action to take. Must be one of the following values:
connection |
All actions |
Required |
The name of the connection to the Exchange server, as specified in the {{cfexchangeconnection}}tag. |
name |
get |
Required |
The name of the ColdFusion query variable that contains the returned conversation information. |
folderID |
All actions |
Required |
A case-sensitive Exchange UID value that uniquely identifies the folder. |
All |
Required |
If yes, marks the conversation as read. |
isRead |
setReadState |
Required |
Indicates the status of the conversation, if read or not. |
destinationFolderID |
move copy |
Required |
A case-sensitive Exchange UID value that uniquely identifies the destination folder. |
deleteType |
delete |
Required |
moveToDeletedItems |
Filter parameters for cfexchangeconversation action="get"
Parameter |
Description |
maxRows |
Specify the maximum number of conversations that have to be returned. Default is 100, and if -1 is specified, all conversations are returned. |
catagories |
A comma-separated list of categories stamped on messages in the conversation (only in the current folder). |
flagStaus |
The flag status for the conversation, calculated by aggregating individual message flag status in the current folder. It can have the following values:
GlobalCategories |
A comma-separated list that summarizes the categories stamped on messages in the conversation, across all folders in the mailbox. |
GlobalFlagStatus |
The flag status for the conversation, calculated by aggregating individual message flag status across all folders in the mailbox. It can have the following values.
GlobalHasAttachments |
A value that indicates if at least one message in the conversation, across all folders in the mailbox, has an attachment. |
GlobalImportance |
The importance of this conversation, calculated by aggregating individual message's importance across all folders in the mailbox. It can have following values:
GlobalItemClasses |
A comma-separated list that summarizes the classes of the items in the conversation, across all folders in the mailbox. |
GlobalItemIds |
A comma-separated list of IDs of the messages in the conversation, across all folders in the mailbox. |
GlobalLastDeliveryTime |
The delivery time of the message that was last received in the conversation across all folders in the mailbox. |
GlobalMessageCount |
The total number of messages in the conversation across all folders in the mailbox. |
GlobalSize |
The size of the conversation, calculated by adding the sizes of all messages in the conversation across all folders in the mailbox. |
GlobalUniqueRecipients |
A comma-separated list of recipients in the conversation across all folders in the mailbox. |
GlobalUniqueSenders |
A comma-separated list of senders in the conversation across all folders in the mailbox. |
GlobalUniqueUnreadSenders |
A comma-separated list of senders whose messages are currently unread in the conversation across all folders in the mailbox. |
GlobalUnreadCount |
The total number of unread messages in the conversation across all folders in the mailbox. |
HasAttachments |
Boolean value that indicates if at least one message in the conversation, in the current folder only, has an attachment. |
U{{Id}} |
UID of the conversation. |
Importance |
The importance of the conversation, calculated by aggregating individual message's importance (only in the current folder).
ItemClasses |
A comma-separated list of classes of the items in the conversation (only in the current folder). |
ItemIds |
A comma-separated list of IDs of the messages in the conversation (only in the current folder). It is an array of ItemId objects. |
LastDeliveryTime |
The delivery time of the message that was last received in the conversation (in the current folder only). |
MessageCount |
The total number of messages in the conversation (in the current folder only). |
size |
The size of the conversation, calculated by adding the sizes of all messages in the conversation (in the current folder only). |
topic |
The topic of the conversation. |
uniqueRecipients |
A comma-separated list of message recipients in the conversation (in the current folder only) |
uniqueSenders |
A comma-separated list of senders in the conversation (in the current folder only). |
uniqueUnreadSenders |
A comma-separated list of senders whose messages are currently unread in the conversation (in the current folder only). |
unreadCount |
Total number of unread messages in the conversation (in the current folder only). |
The following example shows how you can perform the actions get, setReadState, copy, move, and delete on conversations:
<cfexchangeconnection action="open" username="conv" password="Password" server="IP_Address" serverversion="2010" connection="conn1"> <!--- Finding information about Inbox ---> <cfexchangefolder action="getextendedinfo" connection="conn1" name="result" folderpath="Inbox"> <cfexchangefolder action="getextendedinfo" connection="conn1" name="result1" folderpath="Drafts"> <cfexchangeconversation action="get" folderid="#result.uid#" name="conversations" connection="conn1"> <cfexchangefilter name="topic" value="testcfexchnage3"> <cfexchangefilter name="categories" value="Yellow Category"> </cfexchangeconversation> <cfdump var="#conversations#"> <cfset myArray = ArrayNew(1)> <cfloop query="conversations"> <cfset temp = ArrayAppend(myArray, "#UID#")> </cfloop> <!--- Copy the conversation to Drafts ---> <cfexchangeconversation action="copy" UID="#myArray[1]#" folderid="#result.uid#" destinationfolderid="#result1.uid#" connection="conn1"> <!--- Getting the detail about the conversation ---> <cfexchangeconversation action="get" folderid="#result1.uid#" name="conversations1" connection="conn1"> <cfexchangefilter name="topic" value="testcfexchnage3"> <cfexchangefilter name="categories" value="Yellow Category"> </cfexchangeconversation> <cfdump var="#conversations1#"> <!--- Marking the item as unread ---> <cfexchangeconversation action="setReadState" UID="#conversations1.uid#" folderid="#result1.uid#" isread="false" connection="conn1"> <!--- Deleting the conversations ---> <cfexchangeconversation action="delete" UID="#conversations1.uid#" folderid="#result1.uid#" deletetype="harddelete" connection="conn1"> <!--- Moving the conversations---> <cfexchangeconversation action="move" UID="#myArray[1]#" folderid="#result.uid#" destinationfolderid="#result1.uid#" connection="conn1"> <!--- Getting the detail about the conversation ---> <cfexchangeconversation action="get" folderid="#result1.uid#" name="conversations2" connection="conn1"> <cfexchangefilter name="topic" value="testcfexchnage3"> <cfexchangefilter name="categories" value="Yellow Category"> </cfexchangeconversation> <cfdump var="#conversations2#"> <!---Moving the conversation back to the initial location---> <cfexchangeconversation action="move" UID="#conversations2.uid#" folderid="#result1.uid#" destinationfolderid="#result.uid#" connection="conn1"> |