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- Adobe Content Authenticity
Learn how to inspect and verify your Content Credentials using the Inspect tool on Adobe Content Authenticity. You'll also learn about the two views and the possible matches.
Adobe's Inspect tool allows you to inspect Content Credentials across various media types. Drag and drop a file or screenshot, or use the native file picker to see if the selected content has Content Credentials. The tool allows you to learn more about the selected content, potentially including who was involved in creating it, how it was created, and whether generative AI was used.
Select a file or drag and drop anywhere on the screen.
Home page of Adobe Content Authenticity Inspect Home page of Adobe Content Authenticity Inspect Note:The selected content is not uploaded or stored anywhere.
Adobe Content Authenticity Inspect has two views, the History view and the Compare view.
History view
The main History view on Inspect displays your selected asset and its relationship to other content files. These files may also have Content Credentials containing additional information. Selecting any file from the History view lets you view its Content Credentials on the right-side column of the page.
History view showing the image history History view showing the image history Compare view
The Compare view allows you to choose two assets from your selected asset’s history and compare them. A slider feature allows you to overlay one asset over the other to visually inspect their differences.
Compare view has two views, Side by Side and Slider.
Silder Compare view Silder Compare view Possible Matches
Searching for possible matches can help you find Content Credentials in Adobe’s cloud. The match might be based on visual similarity to its Content Credentials digital fingerprint or identified through an invisible watermark applied to the content using the Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta) apply tool.
Open the Inspect tool.
Select a file or drag and drop anywhere on the screen.
Select Search for possible matches.
Possible matches Possible matches Recovering content credentials through possible matches
If a file’s Content Credentials are stored in the Content Credentials cloud, like those from Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta), it allows you to recover them even with a screenshot.
Some Adobe apps and services can only attach content credentials directly to an asset. If the asset undergoes data-removing processing, such as uploading to a non-supporting platform, the credentials may be lost and unrecoverable via Adobe Content Authenticity Inspect. If found, matching content credentials are listed from oldest to newest, prioritizing the earliest version associated with the asset.
Tip:With the Adobe Content Authenticity Chrome browser extension, you can view the content credentials across the web.