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Content Logs

  1. Adobe Enterprise & Teams: Administration guide
  2. Plan your deployment
    1. Basic concepts
      1. Licensing
      2. Identity
      3. User management
      4. App deployment
      5. Admin Console overview
      6. Admin roles
    2. Deployment Guides
      1. Named User deployment guide
      2. SDL deployment guide
      3. Deploy Adobe Acrobat 
    3. Deploy Creative Cloud for education
      1. Deployment home
      2. K-12 Onboarding Wizard
      3. Simple setup
      4. Syncing Users
      5. Roster Sync K-12 (US)
      6. Key licensing concepts
      7. Deployment options
      8. Quick tips
      9. Approve Adobe apps in Google Admin Console
      10. Enable Adobe Express in Google Classroom
      11. Integration with Canvas LMS
      12. Integration with Blackboard Learn
      13. Configuring SSO for District Portals and LMSs
      14. Add users through Roster Sync
      15. Kivuto FAQ
      16. Primary and Secondary institution eligibility guidelines
  3. Set up your organization
    1. Identity types | Overview
    2. Set up identity | Overview
    3. Set up organization with Enterprise ID
    4. Setup Azure AD federation and sync
      1. Set up SSO with Microsoft via Azure OIDC
      2. Add Azure Sync to your directory
      3. Role sync for Education
      4. Azure Connector FAQ
    5. Set up Google Federation and sync
      1. Set up SSO with Google Federation
      2. Add Google Sync to your directory
      3. Google federation FAQ
    6. Set up organization with Microsoft ADFS
    7. Set up organization for District Portals and LMS
    8. Set up organization with other Identity providers
      1. Create a directory
      2. Verify ownership of a domain
      3. Add domains to directories
    9. SSO common questions and troubleshooting
      1. SSO Common questions
      2. SSO Troubleshooting
      3. Education common questions
  4. Manage your organization setup
    1. Manage existing domains and directories
    2. Enable automatic account creation
    3. Set up organization via directory trust
    4. Migrate to a new authentication provider 
    5. Asset settings
    6. Authentication settings
    7. Privacy and security contacts
    8. Console settings
    9. Manage encryption  
  5. Manage users
    1. Overview
    2. Administrative roles
    3. User management strategies
      1. Manage users individually   
      2. Manage multiple users (Bulk CSV)
      3. User Sync tool (UST)
      4. Microsoft Azure Sync
      5. Google Federation Sync
    4. Assign licenses to a Teams user
    5. In-app user management for teams
      1. Manage your team in Adobe Express
      2. Manage your team in Adobe Acrobat
    6. Add users with matching email domains
    7. Change user's identity type
    8. Manage user groups
    9. Manage directory users
    10. Manage developers
    11. Migrate existing users to the Adobe Admin Console
    12. Migrate user management to the Adobe Admin Console
  6. Manage products and entitlements
    1. Manage products and product profiles
      1. Manage products
      2. Buy products and licenses
      3. Manage product profiles for enterprise users
      4. Manage automatic assignment rules
      5. Entitle users to train Firefly custom models
      6. Review product requests
      7. Manage self-service policies
      8. Manage app integrations
      9. Manage product permissions in the Admin Console  
      10. Enable/disable services for a product profile
      11. Single App | Creative Cloud for enterprise
      12. Optional services
    2. Manage Shared Device licenses
      1. What's new
      2. Deployment guide
      3. Create packages
      4. Recover licenses
      5. Manage profiles
      6. Licensing toolkit
      7. Shared Device Licensing FAQ
  7. Get started with Global Admin Console
    1. Adopt global administration
    2. Select your organization
    3. Manage organization hierarchy
    4. Manage product profiles
    5. Manage administrators
    6. Manage user groups
    7. Update organization policies
    8. Manage policy templates
    9. Allocate products to child organizations
    10. Execute pending jobs
    11. Explore insights
    12. Export or import organization structure
  8. Manage storage and assets
    1. Storage
      1. Manage enterprise storage
      2. Adobe Creative Cloud: Update to storage
      3. Manage Adobe storage
    2. Manage projects
    3. Asset migration
      1. Automated Asset Migration
      2. Automated Asset Migration FAQ  
      3. Manage transferred assets
    4. Reclaim assets from a user
    5. Student asset migration | EDU only
      1. Automatic student asset migration
      2. Migrate your assets
  9. Manage services
    1. Adobe Stock
      1. Adobe Stock credit packs for teams
      2. Adobe Stock for enterprise
      3. Use Adobe Stock for enterprise
      4. Adobe Stock License Approval
    2. Custom fonts
    3. Adobe Asset Link
      1. Overview
      2. Create user group
      3. Configure Adobe Experience Manager Assets
      4. Configure and install Adobe Asset Link
      5. Manage assets
      6. Adobe Asset Link for XD
    4. Adobe Acrobat Sign
      1. Set up Adobe Acrobat Sign for enterprise or teams
      2. Adobe Acrobat Sign - Team feature Administrator
      3. Manage Adobe Acrobat Sign on the Admin Console
    5. Creative Cloud for enterprise - free membership
      1. Overview
  10. Deploy apps and updates
    1. Overview
      1. Deploy and deliver apps and updates
      2. Plan to deploy
      3. Prepare to deploy
    2. Create packages
      1. Package apps via the Admin Console
      2. Create Named User Licensing Packages
      3. Manage pre-generated packages
        1. Manage Adobe templates
        2. Manage Single-app packages
      4. Manage packages
      5. Manage device licenses
      6. Serial number licensing
    3. Customize packages
      1. Customize the Creative Cloud desktop app
      2. Include extensions in your package
    4. Deploy Packages 
      1. Deploy packages
      2. Deploy Adobe packages using Microsoft Intune
      3. Deploy Adobe packages with SCCM
      4. Deploy Adobe packages with ARD
      5. Install products in the Exceptions folder
      6. Uninstall Creative Cloud products
      7. Use Adobe provisioning toolkit enterprise edition
    5. Manage updates
      1. Change management for Adobe enterprise and teams customers
      2. Deploy updates
    6. Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST)
      1. AUSST Overview
      2. Set up the internal update server
      3. Maintain the internal update server
      4. Common use cases of AUSST   
      5. Troubleshoot the internal update server
    7. Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
      1. Release notes
      2. Use Adobe Remote Update Manager
    8. Troubleshoot
      1. Troubleshoot Creative Cloud apps installation and uninstallation errors
      2. Query client machines to check if a package is deployed
  11. Manage your Teams account
    1. Overview
    2. Update payment details
    3. Manage invoices
    4. Change contract owner
    5. Change your plan
    6. Change reseller
    7. Cancel your plan
    8. Purchase Request compliance
  12. Renewals
    1. Teams membership: Renewals
    2. Enterprise in VIP: Renewals and compliance
  13. Manage contracts
    1. Automated expiration stages for ETLA contracts
    2. Switching contract types within an existing Adobe Admin Console
    3. Value Incentive Plan (VIP) in China
    4. VIP Select help
  14. Reports & logs
    1. Audit Log
    2. Assignment reports
    3. Content Logs
  15. Get help
    1. Contact Adobe Customer Care
    2. Support options for teams accounts
    3. Support options for enterprise accounts
    4. Support options for Experience Cloud

Applies to enterprise & teams.

As an enterprise, you can get information on how end users are working with your assets, such as folders, files, and libraries.


The system administrator can download detailed reports called Content Logs from the Admin Console. These reports give information on how end users are working with corporate assets.

As end users interact with the assets—actions such as create or update—the details are recorded in log files. You can export these log files to track actions that users perform on the Creative Cloud and Document Cloud assets owned by your organization. As you move more assets into Adobe's cloud storage solutions, your coverage becomes more robust and meaningful.


Content Logs only contain details for users in the directories that you own. They do not contain details for users in a trusted directory. For more information on directories, see Directory Trusting.


You can track assets your Enterprise ID and Federated ID users manage. You can also track how Adobe ID users use these assets.

However, you can only track and control assets for the Adobe ID users migrated to Enterprise storage and authenticated by your organization. For personal Adobe IDs, individuals hold legal control of their assets. Learn how to migrate users from Adobe IDs to Enterprise ID, or Federated ID.

You can download the Content Logs from the Admin Console, for the following user actions:

Action Description
Created When a user uploads, imports, creates, or copies an item
Read When a user downloads a file or library from the web, saves it locally on a device, or makes it available offline
Updated When a user edits and saves an item
Moved When a user moves an item from one location to another
Permanently deleted When a user permanently deletes an item
Sent an invite# When a user adds a collaborator to a shared item
Accepted an invite# When a user accepts an invitation to join a shared item as a collaborator
Changed a collaborator's role# When a user modifies a collaborator's role
Created a public link# When a user creates a public link
Read a public link
When a user reads a public link
Removed a public link# When a user removes a public link
Requested access
When a user requests access to an item
Managed access
When an item's owner responds to an access request
Collaborator auto-added
When an authenticated user is added as a collaborator to the asset by accessing a public link that is auto-add enabled

# Actions not logged for Adobe InDesign and Adobe Express.


Actions performed on assets stored within Lightroom, Lightroom Classic, Lightroom Mobile, Lightroom Web, Behance, and Adobe Stock are not logged.

Generate Content Logs

To view the Content Logs for your organization, do the following:

  1. In the Admin Console, navigate to Settings Content Logs.

  2. Click Create Report.

  3. Choose a date range and click Create Report.

    The date range is as per your local time.

    Logs can be generated for user activities that occurred in the past 90 days. When your report is ready for download, you receive a notification email.

  4. After you receive the notification, click Download File under Content Logs in the Admin Console. The Content Logs report can contain multiple files, each of a maximum size of 100 MB.

    A report is available in the Admin Console for seven days. Once deleted, you can regenerate it for the same time period, as long as the date range is within the past 90 days.


    For organizations with numerous users, the resulting 90-day Content Logs report can be large and contain many files, potentially preventing its full download, depending on the browser used. If you are unable to download the Content Logs report, try reducing the selected date range. For an improved experience, it might also be useful to edit the default settings of some browsers in order not to be asked where to save each file before each download.

    Date Range

    It displays the time in UTC. Depending on your location, it can differ from the date range you selected at the time of report creation.

    Created Date

    It displays your local time at the time of report creation.

The report is downloaded as csv files. For a description of the fields in the downloaded file, see Log Schema.

The report you download, contains the following information for each user activity:

Field Description
Action User action (For example, created, read, updated, moved, shared link)
Date Date and time of the event (UTC format)
User name Name of the user who performed the action
User email Email of the user who performed the action
Source path Source path of an item if moved within the same organization. External if moved across organizations. The field is blank for events other than Moved.
Item path Path of the item
Item name Name of the item
Item ID Unique ID of the item generated by Adobe
Item type Folder, file, or library
IP address IP address from which the user performed the action. The field is blank for events other than the following: Created, Read, Updated, Moved, or Permanently deleted.
Created Date and time the item was uploaded or created in the cloud. The field is blank for events other than the following: Created, Read, Updated, Moved, or Permanently deleted.
Last modified Date and time the item was last modified. The field is blank for events other than the following: Created, Read, Updated, Moved, or Permanently deleted.
Password protected True if the shared link is password protected, False if it isn't. The field is blank for events other than Shared link.
Shared link URL to the shared item. The field is blank for events other than Shared link.
Collaborator role
Role of the collaborator invited to join a shared item. The field is blank for events other than the following: Sent an inviteAccepted an inviteChanged a collaborator's role, or Managed Access.
Collaborator email Email of the collaborator invited to join the shared item. The field is blank for events other than the following: Sent an inviteAccepted an inviteChanged a collaborator's role, or Managed Access.
Collaborator name
Name of the user or group that requested access to an item. The field is blank for events other than the following: Sent an inviteAccepted an invite, Changed a collaborator's role, or Managed Access.
Collaborator sharing privilege
Can Share if the collaborator can share the item with other users or groups, Cannot Share if not. The field is blank for events other than the following: Sent an inviteAccepted an invite, Changed a collaborator's role, or Managed Access.
Collaborator commenting privilege
Can Comment if the collaborator can comment on the shared item, Cannot Comment if not. The field is blank for events other than the following: Sent an inviteAccepted an invite, Changed a collaborator's role, or Managed Access.
Collaborator type
User if the item has been shared with a User, Group if it has been shared with groups created by a user in Adobe Address Book, Enterprise Group if it has been shared with groups synced from Active Directory of the enterprise. The field is blank for events other than the following: Sent an inviteAccepted an invite, Changed a collaborator's role, or Managed Access.
Access response
Accepted or Rejected as per the response of the item's owner. The field is blank for events other than Managed Access.

Release notes

The following issues may affect you if your organization has been updated to storage for business. You are on the new storage model if you see a Storage tab in the Admin Console.  

  • Logs can contain internal system events, such as events from system users identified as “<service name>” email addresses.
  • Logs of internal system events may include paths that do not exist in the customer's directories. 
  • Some log entries may not include prefixes [creative_cloud] or [document_cloud] in the path column.

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