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Sampler tool | Dimension

Sampler tool

Use the Sampler tool to reuse and link materials across multiple objects or use colors directly from your scene to change the look of materials you've already created.

Sampler toolSample and apply materials and colors to objects.I

To use the Sampler tool

  1. Switch to the sampler tool on the toolbar.
  2. Click in the viewport to sample content. The sampled content will appear in the toolbar.
  3. Hold shift and click in the viewport to apply the sampled content to new objects.

Tool options

Sample type

Determines what type of content to sample.

Material: Samples materials from the viewport. Includes material settings and textures.

Screen color: Samples the color of the viewport display pixels. Includes lighting, shadow, and reflection information.


Default shortcut: Shift

Determines whether to sample content or apply previously sampled content.

Sample: Samples the content type from the object beneath the cursor.

Apply: Applies the active content type to the object beneath the cursor.

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