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V1.6 Release notes

  1. Substance 3D home
  2. Home
  3. Getting started
    1. Install Substance 3D Modeler
    2. System requirements
    3. Public Beta
    4. Supported VR headsets
    5. Desktop and virtual reality
    6. Quick start guides
      1. Desktop quick start guide
      2. VR quick start guide
    7. Controls
      1. Desktop shortcuts and controls
      2. VR shortcuts and controls
    8. Reference images
    9. Join the Community
    10. Glossary
    11. FAQs
  4. Interface
    1. Interface overview
    2. Viewport
    3. The Palette
    4. Actions menu
    5. The Top bar
      1. Top bar overview
      2. Color picker
      3. Materials panel
      4. Assets panel
      5. Environment panel
      6. Viewport panel
      7. Outliner
      8. Node properties panel
    6. The Bottom bar
    7. Preferences
  5. Create with Clay
    1. Tools
      1. Tools and Subtools
      2. Select tool
      3. Clay tool
      4. Erase tool
      5. Split tool
      6. Crop tool
      7. Warp tool
      8. Elastic tool
      9. Smooth tool
      10. Raise tool
      11. Buildup tool
      12. Inflate tool
      13. Crease tool
      14. Flatten tool
      15. Paint tool
    2. Brushes
    3. Brush shapes
    4. Placement modes
    5. Angle and grid snap
  6. Create with Primitives
    1. Get started with primitives
    2. Primitive parameters
      1. Parameter overview
      2. Shape parameters
      3. Combine parameters
    3. Organize primitives
      1. Primitive containers
      2. Manage primitive order
      3. Primitive groups
      4. Repetition
  7. Organize your scene
    1. Scope and scene structure
    2. Layers
    3. Groups
    4. Advanced scene assembly
      1. Instances
      2. Symmetry and repetition
      3. Booleans
    5. Import meshes
  8. Export Mode
    1. Export your creations
    2. Export presets
    3. Project assets
  9. Render mode
    1. Render mode overview
    2. Work with cameras
  10. Technical support
    1. Technical requirements
    2. How does Modeler work?
    3. Performance
    4. Troubleshooting
    5. Supported file formats
  11. Release notes
    1. V1.19 (Current Release)
    2. V1.18
    3. V1.17
    4. V1.15
    5. Public Beta V1.20.50 (Current Release)
    6. Public Beta Archive
      1. Public Beta V1.19.50
      2. Public Beta V1.18.50
      3. Public Beta V1.17.50
      4. Public Beta V1.16.50
      5. Public Beta V1.15.50
      6. Public Beta V1.14.50
      7. Public Beta V1.12.50
      8. Public Beta V1.11.50
      9. Public Beta V1.10.50
      10. Public Beta V1.9.50
      11. Public Beta V1.8.50
    7. V1 Archive
      1. V1.14
      2. V1.13
      3. V1.12
      4. V1.11
      5. V1.10
      6. V1.9
      7. V1.8
      8. V1.7
      9. V1.6    
      10. V1.5
      11. V1.4
      12. V1.3
      13. V1.2
      14. V1.1 
      15. V1.0 
    8. V0 Archive
      1. 2022/08/02 V0.17.0
      2. 2022/06/22 V0.14.1
      3. 2022/05/13 V0.10.2

Substance 3D Modeler V1.6 Release notes

Version 1.6 overview

Welcome to Modeler's first release of 2024! This release is mainly focused on fixes and improvements, but we've also snuck a new feature in - snake hook behavior for the Warp tool!

Many of the improvements and fixes are focused on recently introduced features like Materials and the updated surfacing tools from V1.5, we've also done some behind the scenes work for upcoming features.

Read on to find out more!

Major features

Warp tool - New Continuous mode

The Warp tool now has two modes.  With Single mode on, the Warp tool behaves as it always has. With Single mode off, the warp tool will start applying continuously as you drag the cursor.

With Single mode off, you can distort the surface of clay to create awesome organic effects, or drag away from a surface to create long tendrils. This snake hook behavior is great for blocking out things like tree branches and tentacles.

Plus it's just really satisfying to use!

Modeler V1.6 full release notes


Note: there is a known bug where importing meshes with vertex colors and no material will lose the vertex colors on import and be displayed as a grey mesh. This will be fixed in Modeler's next release


  • Added continuous warp (snake hook).
  • With the Warp tool equipped, turn off Single mode. Warp will be applied continuously along your stroke.
  • Buildup tool improvements:
  • Buildup now defaults to free placement in VR.
  • Buildup tool textures now use triplanar mapping, helping to avoid artifacts.
  • Buildup tool with free placement now takes brush rotation into account.
  • Improved progress bar behavior for retopology on export.
  • Improved selection behavior after importing or pasting an object.
  • Improved copy/paste when working with objects with materials. Materials are now included in copy and paste, so you can copy materials between two open scenes, or recover deleted materials by pasting an object with that material.
  • Importing a scene now also imports the materials from that scene.
  • Added checkboxes to the UI system. These can now be used as future interface elements.
  • Updated some strings and localizations.


  • Fixed a potential memory leak.
  • Fixed an issue with mesh imports causing an error.
  • 16 bit alphas now work correctly with the Buildup tool.
  • Removed a broken link.
  • Fixed an Inflate tool crash.
  • Fixed some clipboard behavior when copying multiple objects that have been affected by the undo/redo stack.
  • The clipboard no longer gets wiped after pasting.
  • Fixed a bug in the Warp tool that impacted bounding box size. The fix also slightly speeds up Elastic warp.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the Warp tool to create holes in clay.

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