Changing the locale of HTML Workspace user interface

Adobe LiveCycle ES4 HTML Workspace provides out of the box support for English, French, German, and Japanese languages. It also provides capability to localize HTML Workspace user interface to any other language.

To localize HTML Workspace user interface to language of your choice:

  • Localize text of the HTML Workspace.
  • Localize collapsed categories, queues, and processes.
  • Localize Date Picker

Before performing above steps, ensure that you follow the steps listed at Generic steps for HTML Workspace customization


To change the language of the login screen of HTML Workspace, see Creating a new login screen.

Localizing text

Perform the following steps to add support for a language New and the browser locale code nw.

  1. Log in to CRXDE Lite.
    The default URL of CRXDE Lite is http://[server]:[port]/lc/crx/de/index.jsp.

  2. Navigate to the location apps/ws/locales and create a new folder nw.

  3. Copy the file translation.json from the location /apps/ws/locales/en-US to location /apps/ws/locales/nw .

  4. Navigate to /apps/ws/locales/nw and open translation.json for editing. Make locale-specific changes to the translation.json file.

    The following examples contain the translation.json file for English and French locales of HTML Workspace.

Localizing collapsed categories, queues, and processes

HTML Workspace uses images to display headers of categories, queues, and processes. You require development package to localize these headers. For detailed information about creating development package, see Building HTML Workspace code.

In the following steps, it is assumed that the new localized image files are Categories_nw.png, Queue_nw.png, and Processes_nw.png. The recommended width of the images is 19px.


To find the browser language locale code of your browser. Open http://[server]:[port]/lc/libs/ws/Locale.html

Perform the following steps to localize the images:

  1. Using a WebDAV client, place the image files in the /apps/ws/images folder.

  2. Navigate to /apps/ws/css. Open newStyle.css for editing and add the following entries:

    #categoryListBar .content.nw {
         background: #3e3e3e url(../images/Categories_nw.png) no-repeat 10px 10px;
    #filterListBar .content.nw {
        background: #3e3e3e url(../images/Queues_nw.png) no-repeat 10px 10px;
    #processNameListBar .content.nw {
        background: #3e3e3e url(../images/Processes_nw.png) no-repeat 10px 10px;
  3. Perform all the semantic changes listed in the Workspace Customization article.

  4. Navigate to the js/runtime/utility folder and open the usersession.js file for editing.

  5. Locate the code listed in orignal code block and add condition lang !== 'nw' to the if statement: 

    // Orignal code
    setLocale = function () {
            var lang = $.trim(i18n.lng());
            if (lang === null || lang === '' || (lang !== 'fr-FR' && lang !== 'de-DE' && lang !== 'ja-JP')) {
                window.lcWorkspace.locale = 'en-US';
            } else {
                window.lcWorkspace.locale = lang;
    //new code
     setLocale = function () {
            var lang = $.trim(i18n.lng());
            if (lang === null || lang === '' || (lang !== 'fr-FR' && lang !== 'de-DE' && lang !== 'ja-JP' && lang !== 'nw')) {
                window.lcWorkspace.locale = 'en-US';
            } else {
                window.lcWorkspace.locale = lang;

Localizing Date Picker

You require development package to localize the datepicker API. For detailed information about creating development package, see Building HTML Workspace code.

  1. Download and extract the jQuery UI Package, navigate to <extracted jquery UI package>\\jquery-ui-1.10.2\ui\i18n.

  2. Copy the jquery.ui.datepicker-nw.js file for locale code nw to apps/ws/js/libs/jqueryui and make locale specific changes to the file. 

  3. Navigate to apps/ws/js and open the jquery.ui.datepicker-nw.js file for editing. 

  4. In the main.js file create an alias for jquery.ui.datepicker-nw.js. The code to create an alias for the jquery.ui.datepicker-nw.js file is: 

    jqueryuidatepickernw : pathprefix + 'libs/jqueryui/jquery.ui.datepicker-nw'
  5. Use alias jqueryuidatepickernw to include the jquery.ui.datepicker-nw.js file in all the files that use datepicker. The datepicker is used in the following files:

    • js/runtime/views/outofoffice.js
    • js/runtime/views/searchtemplatedetails.js

    The sample code below shows how to add the entry of jquery.ui.datepicker-nw.js:

    //Original Code
    ], function ($, _, Backbone, jQueryUI, jQueryUIDatePickerJA, jQueryUIDatePickerDE, jQueryUIDatePickerFR, slimScroll, UserSearch, LogManager, Logger) {
    // Code with Date Picker alias for new language
        'jqueryuidatepickernw', // Date Picker alias
    ], function ($, _, Backbone, jQueryUI, jQueryUIDatePickerJA, jQueryUIDatePickerDE, jQueryUIDatePickerFR, jQueryUIDatePickerNW, slimScroll, UserSearch, LogManager, Logger) {
  6. In all the files that use the datepicker API, change the default datepicker API settings. The datepicker API is used in the following files:

    • apps\ws\js\runtime\views\searchtemplatedetails.js
    • apps\ws\js\runtime\views\outofoffice.js
    Change the following code to add the new locale:
    if (locale === 'ja-JP') {
    } else if (locale === 'de-DE') {
    } else if (locale === 'fr-FR') {
    } else {
    if (locale === 'ja-JP') {
    } else if (locale === 'de-DE') {
    } else if (locale === 'fr-FR') {
    } else if (locale === 'nw') {
    } else {