Displaying information in the Task Summary pane

When you open a task in HTML Workspace, a Task Summary pane can display a summary of the task. This additional and relevant information for a task adds more value for the end-user of HTML Workspace.

HTML Workspace allows you to display a web page of your choice in the Task Summary pane. A process can be created to display a Task Summary pane using Adobe® LiveCycle® Workbench.

  1. Create an Assign Task process in Workbench. For more details about Assign Task operation, see Service Reference topic in Workbench Help.


    If a TaskSummary URL exists, the Task Summary view opens by default instead of the Form view. In this case, even when a user enables ‘Open the form in maximized mode' option in Assign Task, the form does not open in maximized mode.

  2. Configure the Task Summary URL field. You can specify a literal value, a template, a variable, or an XPath expression.

  3. An example of displaying the information on Task Summary page is below.

    • Log in to CRXDE Lite environment at http://[server]:[port]/lc/crx/de.
    • Create a node SampleSummary under /content with type nt:unstructured. In the properties of this node, add sling:resourceType of type String and value SampleSummary. In the Access Control List of this node, add an entry for PERM_WORKSPACE_USER allowing jcr:read privileges.
    • Create a folder SampleSummary under /apps. In the Access Control List of /apps/SampleSummary, add an entry for PERM_WORKSPACE_USER allowing jcr:readprivileges.
    • Create a file html.esp at /apps/SampleSummary. For example, add the following lines in html.esp.
            <h1>Sample Summary</h1>
            <p>Hello Sir!
                This is sample summary page for this task.
    • Set the value of task summary url as /lc/content/SampleSummary.html in Assign Task step.
    • When the task associated with this Assign Task step is opened in HTML Workspace, the html.esp at /apps/SampleSummary is rendered in task summary pane.


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