Minification of the JavaScript files

Minification removes from the source code the redundant characters, such as white space, new line, and comments. This improves the performance by reducing the size of the code. While minification does not impact the functionality, it reduces the readability of the code.

To generate minified code for semantic changes follow these steps.

  1. Copy client-html/src/main/webapp/js from src-package on filesystem.


    See Introduction to Customizing HTML Workspace for more details about the packages.

  2. Update paths in main.js located under client-html/src/main/webapp/js, for added/updated models/views.

    For example, addition of a new Sharequeue model, say mySharequeue, change:

    sharequeuemodel : pathprefix + 'runtime/models/sharequeue',
    sharequeuemodel : pathprefix + 'runtime/myModels/mySharequeue',
  3. Update registry-config.xml, located at client-html/src/main/webapp/js/resource_generator, in case there is change/addition of alias in main.js.

    For example, addition of a new Sharequeue model, say mySharequeue, change:

  4. At client-html/src/main/webapp/js/minifier, run command:

    mvn clean install

    It generates a folder minified-files, under client-html/src/main/webapp/js with minified main.js and registry.js.


Minification will only work on 64-bit JVM.


If you minify, upgrade is impacted.


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Adobe MAX 2024

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The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online

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The Creativity Conference

Oct 14–16 Miami Beach and online