Connect your Apple account with your Adobe account

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Learn how to connect your Apple account with your Adobe account.

Connect your Apple account when your Apple and Adobe email addresses are the same 

If your Apple and Adobe email addresses are the same, you can connect your Apple account to better manage your Adobe account.  

  1. Go to
  2. Select Continue with Apple.
Sign in screen to sign in with Apple account
Sign in with your Apple account.

  1. Sign in to your Apple account.
  2. Select Continue as <username>.

If your Apple privacy settings allow you to share your email address with third-party apps, you're prompted to connect your Adobe account with your Apple account.

  1. Select Connect with Apple. You can skip the other steps and go directly to step 8.
Connect your Apple account with Adobe account
Connect with your Apple account.

If your Apple settings are configured to hide your email address from third-party apps, you're prompted to provide your email address.

  1. When prompted, select Yes, I have an existing account.
Confirm if you have an existing Adobe account with the same email address
Confirm if you have an existing Adobe account.

  1. Type your email address and select Continue.
Enter your existing Adobe account email address
Enter your existing Adobe account email address.

  1. Verify your identity using the verification code sent to your Adobe email address.

If you've enabled two-step verification in your Adobe account, you're prompted to enter another verification code received on your phone.

Type the verification code to verify your identity
Enter the verification code.

  1. Select OK.  Your Apple account is connected with your Adobe account.
Your Adobe account is connected to your Apple account
Your Apple account is connected with your Adobe account.

Connect your Apple account when your Apple and Adobe email addresses are different 

If you have an Adobe account email address different from your Apple account email address but want to manage your Adobe account from your Apple account, then you can connect your Apple account in a few simple steps.

  1. Go to
  2. In the Social sign-in section, select Connect next to Apple
Connect your social account in the Social sign-in window
Connect your Apple account with your Adobe account.

  1.  Follow the onscreen instructions.  

If you are using a shared computer, ensure that you sign out of Apple when signing out of an Adobe app or webpage. 


Your Adobe account is now connected to your Apple account. You can sign in to your Adobe account with your Apple account or continue signing in with your Adobe email address as before.  

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