Change your Adobe plan or subscription

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Learn how to change to a different plan or modify the storage or billing frequency of your current subscription.

If you purchased your plan from Adobe, you can change it in your Adobe account page. If you purchased elsewhere, contact the store directly.

  1. Go to
  2. Select Manage plan for the plan you want to change. 
Plans window with options to Manage plan, Access your apps and services, and Edit billing and payment
Select Manage plan to modify, change, or cancel your plan.

  1. Select Change your plan.
Manage Plan pop-up window with options to Change your plan, Upgrade your plan, Add more storage, and Cancel your plan
Select the Change your plan option.

(Don't see Change your plan? The option isn't available if we're processing your payment or have some issues with it. Try again in 24 hours.)

  1. From the drop-down, search or select a plan.
Change your plan window with a search option to search a plan
Search or select your preferred plan from the drop-down option.

  1. Find the plan you want to switch to, and then select the Select plan option.
Recommended plans window with different plans
Select the plan you want to switch to.

  1. Review the plan details and then select Agree and subscribe (or Confirm) to change your plan.


You have successfully changed your plan.

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