Learn how to conduct a breakout session in an Adobe Connect session.
Hosts can easily assign people to breakout rooms, start and end the sessions smoothly, and add tools like chat, notes, or whiteboards to each room. They can also reuse tools from the main room in breakout rooms, making sharing important content with everyone easy.
The following topics are covered in this article:
Select Breakout on the Attendees pod to access the breakout room management view.
Access breakout from Attendees pod Access breakout from Attendees pod -
Assign the participants to the breakout rooms in the following ways:
- Manual assignment: Select and drag participants from the Attendees Pod into the designated breakout rooms. Manually select an attendee name in the list (Ctrl+click or Shift+click to select multiple attendees). Select Change breakout room and select a breakout room from the submenu.
- Distribute: Select Distribute from the Attendees pod to allocate the attendees to different breakout rooms. It will evenly distribute attendees across all breakout rooms.
Distribute participants in different breakout rooms Distribute participants in different breakout rooms - Self-assignment: Allow participants to enter a breakout room by themselves. As a host, select Preferences > General and select the option Allow participants to choose breakout rooms. After a session starts, attendees can switch between breakout rooms.
Allow participants to choose breakout rooms Allow participants to choose breakout rooms After a breakout session starts, attendees can switch breakout rooms by selecting the breakout room selector on the session layout bar. The attendee can view the list of available breakout rooms including the main room.
Select Start breakout in the Attendees pod. When the breakout starts, the participants will be moved into their assigned rooms.
If you want to cycle through the breakout rooms, select the breakout room from the Breakout submenu in the session layout top menu bar.
Select Broadcast message and then Send to send a message to all breakout rooms. The message is available to all participants.
Participants can reply to the broadcast message, and the host will receive the reply.
After you receive a message from a participant, you can navigate to the breakout room where the participant is located. Select Go to <breakout room> on the message dialog box.
Broadcast message in Breakout rooms Broadcast message in Breakout rooms -
Select End breakout to end a breakout room.
All participants will move to the main room automatically. Additionally, elevated rights that were granted to participants in a breakout room will be revoked after the breakout room ends.
Review breakout room activities
Hosts can add the pods used inside breakout rooms to the main room to analyze or review them. Each breakout room can include custom pods like Chat, Notes, File Share, and Whiteboard, according to its needs.
While attendees are in breakout rooms, you can join any room to adjust pods or settings as needed.
Select the breakout room from the selector on the session layout top menu bar.
Select the Pods menu inside the main room.
Select Breakout pods and then select the Breakout room name.
Select the pod to add to the main layout.
Create a layout in the main room and add pods from different breakout rooms to analyze the activity across breakout rooms in real time during a live breakout room session.
Reuse a pod from the main room in a breakout room
You can reuse a main room pod for each breakout room to create a sync between all the attendees. For example, add a Notes pod from the main room to all the breakout rooms. Type instructions in the Notes pod, which will appear simultaneously in all the breakout rooms.
Use the following steps to reuse a pod:
Enter a breakout room.
Launch the Pods menu, and add the pod to the breakout room