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In: Spline & Path Tools > Spline Tools
Places splines along the input parent splines.
The node offers deep customization options for controlling how splines are scattered, and lets you scatter simple straight splines, or your own custom splines.
The node lets you create intricate structures for mapping colors and images using the Spline Mapper nodes, or used as a skeleton for placing shapes using the Scatter on Spline nodes.
Preview Grayscale |
The preview of the input splines as a grayscale image. |
Spline Coords Color |
The coordinates of the parent splines’ points encoded in the RGBA channels of a color image: |
Spline Data Color |
Additional data of the parent splines encoded in the RGBA channels of a color image: |
Spline Amount Integer |
The number of parent splines. |
Custom Spline Coords Color |
The coordinates of the custom splines’ points encoded in the RGBA channels of a color image: |
Custom Spline Data Color |
Additional data of the custom splines encoded in the RGBA channels of a color image: |
Custom Spline Amount Integer |
The number of custom splines. |
Scale Map Grayscale |
The grayscale map controlling the scale of the scattered splines. |
Rotation Map Grayscale |
The grayscale map controlling the rotation of the scattered splines. |
Preview Grayscale |
The preview of the scattered splines as a grayscale image. |
Spline Coords Color |
The coordinates of the scattered splines’ points encoded in the RGBA channels of a color image: |
Spline Data Color |
Additional data of the scattered splines encoded in the RGBA channels of a color image: A - Unused
Spline Amount Integer |
The number of scattered splines. |
Side Integer |
Controls on which side(s) of the parent splines the splines should be scattered, considering that 'forward' is the direction of the parent splines:
Left Place the splines on the left side.
Right Place the splines on the right side.
Left + Right Place the splines on both sides.
Left / Right - Alternate Place splines left then right alternatively (E.g., every other side).
Left / Right - Random Pick the side randomly for each spline. |
Amount Mode Integer |
The method of scattering the splines along the parent splines, which impacts the amount of scattered splines on each parent spline:
The specified amount of evenly spaced splines is scattered.
Spacing The amount of splines is automatically adjusted to fit the specified even spacing.
Spline Amount Per Spline Integer |
The amount of evenly spaced splines scattered along each parent spline. |
Spline Spacing Float |
The minimum distance along parent splines by which splines should be spaced, while still landing the first and last spline on the start and end of each parent spline respectively. |
Spline Type Integer |
Selects which type of spline should be scattered on the parent splines:
A simple, straight spline.
Custom spline The spline(s) provided to the Custom Spline inputs. Mutliple splines are supported when appended together into a list.
Custom Spline Selection Integer |
When using multiple custom splines appended together into a list, this parameter lets you select how these splines should be distributed in the scattering.
All splines are scattered together as a group.
Each individual spline is scattered in order, looping around the list.
A random spline is picked from the list for every spline scattered. |
Start Float |
Offsets the point from the start of the parent splines where the scattering starts. |
End Float |
Offsets the point from the start of the parent splines where the scattering ends. |
Flip Direction Boolean |
Inverts the direction of the scattered splines. |
Left / Right Symmetry Mode Integer |
The method of symmetry applied to the splines scattered on each side of the parent splines.
No symmetry is applied, the splines are place on each side using a simple rotation.
Left symmetry The spline on the left is symmetrical to the one on the right relatively to the parent spline.
Right symmetry The spline on the right is symmetrical to the one on the left relatively to the parent spline. |
Left / Right Random Link Boolean |
Controls whether the splines on each side of the parent spline should use the same values when using random rotation, random scaling, etc. In other words:
Spline Pivot Mode Integer |
Sets the method of placing the pivot of scattered splines, which impacts rotation and scaling.
Position along spline Move the pivot along the scattered spline.
Absolute position Set an arbitrary position for the pivot. |
Pivot Position Along Spline Float |
The normalized position of the pivot along the scattered spline, where 0 is its start and 1 is its end.
Note that the pivot follows the direction of the scattered spline and the spline's orientation may change to preserve the pivot's position and rotation relatively to the parent spline. |
Pivot Absolute Position Float2 |
The position in UV space of the pivot. |
Non-Square Correction Boolean |
Adjust the splines positions and thickness to retain the their shape in non-square resolutions.
Spline Scale Float |
A global control for the size of all splines, where 1 is their full original size.
Spline Scale Random Float |
Applies a random multiplier up to the specified value for decreasing the size of the splines. |
Scale Map Input Multiplier Float |
Controls the intensity of the Scale Map input. This map acts as a multiplier for the current size of the patterns.
Scale Map Input Sampling Mode Integer |
The method of mapping the values in the Scale Map to the splines:
The values are applied to the encoded splines’ coordinates directly (see Spline Coords input), where each row is applied to a different spline from top to bottom
Hor. along spline (rand. offset X) The values are applied to the encoded splines’ coordinates directly (see Spline Coords input), with a random horizontal offset in the Scale Map for each spline (I.e., each row in Spline Coords)
Hor. along spline (rand. offset Y) The values are applied to the encoded splines’ coordinates directly (see Spline Coords input), with a random vertical offset in the Scale Map for each spline (I.e., each row in Spline Coords)
Start/End Attenuation Float2 |
Factors in the distance from the midpoint of the spline to its Start and End when scaling the splines.
Local Offset Float2 |
Applies an offset to the splines’ positions along the parent spline’s tangent (parallel) and normal (perpendicular). |
Offset on Spline Range Integer |
Sets the range of offset applied to the scattered splines along the parent splines.
The range spans the interval between each scattered spline.
Parent spline The range spans the full length of the parent spline.
Offset on Spline Float |
Applies a position offset to the splines along the parent splines. |
Random Offset Range Integer |
Sets the range of random offset applied to the scattered splines along the parent splines.
Interval The range spans the interval between each scattered spline.
Parent spline The range spans the full length of the parent spline. |
Random Offset on Spline Float |
Applies an additional position offset to the splines along the parent splines. |
Offset by Thickness Float |
Applies an offset to the scattered splines along the normal of the parent splines, up to the parent splines' thickness.
Custom Spline Alignment Integer |
Controls the initial orientation of the custom spline(s) on the parent splines.
The splines are oriented according to the tangent of their first point. In other words, they go off the parent splines in the direction set by their first point.
Image space The splines are placed as they originally appear, with no additional adjustment to their position or orientation, as if the image representing them was resting on the parent spline. |
Rotation Mode Integer |
Sets the initial orientation of the scattered splines.
From spline The splines are oriented to match the normal of the parent splines at their location.
Absolute The splines are all oriented the same way, regardless of the parent splines' direction. |
Rotation Float |
Rotates the splines around their pivots, in number of turns. The pivot position can be offset using the Spline Pivot parameter. |
Rotation Random Float |
Applies an additional random rotation to the splines around their pivots, in number of turns. The pivot position can be offset using the Spline Pivot parameter. |
Left / Right Angle Float |
Controls the angle of symmetrical rotation applied to the splines on each side of the parent splines, in number of turns. |
Left / Right Angle Random Float |
Adds a random amount of symmetrical rotation to the splines on each side of the parent splines, in number of turns. |
Rotation Map Input Multiplier Float |
Controls the intensity of the Rotation Map input. This map acts as a multiplier for the current rotation of the patterns.
The effect of this map is combined with the other parameters in the Rotation group. |
Rotation Map Input Sampling Mode Integer |
The method of mapping the values in the Rotation Map to the splines:
The values are applied to the splines where they would be if placed in a texture using the texture’s UV coordinates. This effectively applies the value to the splines ‘in place’,
Horizontal along spline The values are applied to the encoded splines’ coordinates directly (see Spline Coords input), where each row is applied to a different spline from top to bottom,
Hor. along spline (rand. offset X) The values are applied to the encoded splines’ coordinates directly (see Spline Coords input), with a random horizontal offset in the Rotation Map for each spline (I.e., each row in Spline Coords).
Hor. along spline (rand. offset Y) The values are applied to the encoded splines’ coordinates directly (see Spline Coords input), with a random vertical offset in the Rotation Map for each spline (I.e., each row in Spline Coords).
Rotation Map Input Affects Integer |
Selects the rotation parameter that is impacted by the Rotation Map:
Spline rotation The map impacts the splines' global rotation clockwise.
Left / Right angle The map impacts the Left/Right splines' symmetrical rotation. |
Start Height Mode Integer |
The method of computing the starting height of the scattered splines.
Set the same absolute value for all scattered splines.
From parent spline (+ custom spline) Use the height of the parent spline, then add the custom spline's height using the Custom spline start height mult. parameter.
From custom spline Use the height of the custom spline as is.
Note: Set Spline Type to 'Custom Spline' and connect the Custom Spline inputs to use the height of custom splines. |
Custom Spline Start Height Mult. Float |
Controls the contribution of the custom spline's own starting height to the starting height of the scattered splines, where 1 means the full height of the custom spline is used.
The custom spline's height is used differently according to the selected Start Height Mode: |
Start Height Offset Float |
Applies an absolute offset to the scattered spline's starting height. |
Start Height Float |
Sets an absolute value for the scattered spline's starting height. |
End Height Mode Integer |
The method of computing the ending height of the scattered splines.
Set the same absolute value for all scattered splines.
From parent spline (+ custom spline) Use the height of the parent spline, then add the custom spline's height using the Custom Spline End Height Mult. parameter.
From custom spline Use the height of the custom spline as is.
Note: Set Spline Type to Custom Spline and connect the Custom Spline inputs to use the height of custom splines.
Custom Spline End Height Mult. Float |
Controls the contribution of the custom spline's own ending height to the ending height of the scattered splines, where 1 means the full height of the custom spline is used.
End Height Offset Float |
Applies an absolute offset to the scattered spline's ending height. |
End Height Float |
Sets an absolute value for the scattered spline's ending height. |
Start Thickness Mode Integer |
The method of computing the starting thickness of the scattered splines.
Set the same absolute value for all scattered splines.
From parent spline Use the thickness of the parent spline.
From custom spline Use the thickness of the custom spline.
Note: Set Spline Type to Custom Spline and connect the Custom Spline inputs to use the thickness of custom splines. |
Start Thickness Multiplier Float |
Scales the starting thickness of the scattered splines, where 1 is the full thickness. |
Start Thickness Offset Float |
Applies an absolute offset to the scattered spline's starting thickness. |
Start Thickness Float |
Sets an absolute value for the scattered spline's starting thickness. |
End Thickness Mode Integer |
The method of computing the ending thickness of the scattered splines.
Set the same absolute value for all scattered splines.
From parent spline Use the thickness of the parent spline.
From custom spline Use the thickness of the custom spline.
Note: Set Spline Type to Custom Spline and connect the Custom Spline inputs to use the thickness of custom splines.
End Thickness Multiplier Float |
Scales the starting thickness of the scattered splines, where 1 is the full thickness. |
End Thickness Offset Float |
Applies an absolute offset to the scattered spline's ending thickness. |
End Thickness Float |
Sets an absolute value for the scattered spline's ending thickness. |
Show Direction Helper Boolean |
Displays a dot at the start of the spline and an arrowhead at its end in the Preview output. |
Show Thickness Envelope Boolean |
Displays additional lines at the edges of the spline’s thickness. |
Thickness (px) Float |
Adjusts the thickness of the spline visualization in the Preview output, in number of pixels. |
Segments Amount Integer |
Adjusts the number of segments used to draw the spline visualization in the Preview output. A higher value results in a smoother line.
Background Intensity Float |
The intensity of the Preview input in the Preview output visualization. |