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Publishing Substance 3D asset files (SBSAR) | Substance 3D Designer

  1. Substance 3D home
  2. User guide
  3. Glossary
  4. Getting started
    1. Getting started
    2. Activation and licenses
    3. System requirements
    4. Overview
      1. Overview
      2. What is a Substance 3D file?
    5. Workflow overview
    6. Shortcuts
    7. Tutorials & learning
  5. Interface
    1. Interface
    2. Customizing your workspace
    3. Home screen
    4. Main toolbar
    5. Preferences
      1. Preferences
      2. Project settings
      3. Version control
    6. Explorer
      1. Explorer
      2. Send to... / Interoperability
    7. Graph view
      1. Graph view
      2. Link creation modes
      3. Node finder
      4. Node alignment tools
      5. Graph items
        1. Graph items
        2. Dot node (also Portal)
        3. Frame
        4. Comment
        5. Pin
    8. Library
      1. Library
      2. Managing custom content and filters
    9. Properties
    10. 2D view
      1. 2D view
      2. Color sampler tool
    11. 3D view
      1. 3D view
      2. Material properties
      3. GLSLFX shaders
      4. Switching your shaders to OpenGL Core Profile
      5. Iray
    12. Dependency manager
  6. Resources
    1. Resources
    2. Importing, linking and new resources
    3. Bitmap resource
      1. Bitmap resource
      2. Bitmap painting tools
    4. Vector graphics (SVG) resource
      1. Vector graphics (SVG) resource
      2. Vector editing tools
    5. 3D scene resource
    6. AxF (Appearance eXchange Format)
    7. Font resource
    8. Warnings from dependencies
  7. Substance graphs
    1. Substance graphs
    2. Substance graph key concepts
    3. Creating a Substance graph
    4. Instances and subgraphs
    5. Graph parameters
    6. Manage parameters
      1. Manage parameters
      2. Exposing a parameter
      3. Parameter presets
    7. 'Visible if' expressions
    8. Inheritance in Substance graphs
    9. Output size
    10. Values in Substance graphs
    11. Publishing Substance 3D asset files (SBSAR)
    12. Exporting bitmaps
    13. Exporting PSD files
    14. Sample Substance graphs
    15. Warnings in Substance graphs
    16. Nodes reference for Substance graphs
      1. Nodes reference for Substance graphs
      2. Atomic nodes
        1. Atomic nodes
        2. Bitmap
        3. Blend
          1. Blend
          2. Blending modes description
        4. Blur
        5. Channel shuffle
        6. Curve
        7. Directional blur
        8. Directional warp
        9. Distance
        10. Emboss
        11. FX-map
        12. Gradient (Dynamic)
        13. Gradient map
        14. Grayscale conversion
        15. HSL
        16. Levels
        17. Normal
        18. Pixel processor
        19. SVG
        20. Sharpen
        21. Text
        22. Transformation 2D
        23. Uniform color
        24. Value processor
        25. Warp
        26. Output
        27. Input
      3. Node library
        1. Node library
        2. Texture generators
          1. Texture generators
          2. Noises
            1. Noises
            2. 3D Perlin noise
            3. 3D Perlin noise fractal
            4. 3D Ridged noise fractal
            5. 3D Simplex noise
            6. 3D Voronoi
            7. 3D Voronoi fractal
            8. 3D Worley noise
            9. Anisotropic noise
            10. Blue noise fast
            11. BnW spots 1
            12. BnW spots 2
            13. BnW spots 3
            14. Cells 1
            15. Cells 2
            16. Cells 3
            17. Cells 4
            18. Clouds 1
            19. Clouds 2
            20. Clouds 3
            21. Creased
            22. Crystal 1
            23. Crystal 2
            24. Directional noise 1
            25. Directional noise 2
            26. Directional noise 3
            27. Directional noise 4
            28. Directional scratches
            29. Dirt 1
            30. Dirt 2
            31. Dirt 3
            32. Dirt 4
            33. Dirt 5
            34. Dirt gradient
            35. Fluid
            36. Fractal sum 1
            37. Fractal sum 2
            38. Fractal sum 3
            39. Fractal sum 4
            40. Fractal sum base
            41. Fur 1
            42. Fur 2
            43. Fur 3
            44. Gaussian noise
            45. Gaussian spots 1
            46. Gaussian spots 2
            47. Grunge concrete
            48. Grunge Damas
            49. Grunge galvanic large
            50. Grunge galvanic small
            51. Grunge leaks
            52. Grunge leaky paint
            53. Grunge map 001
            54. Grunge map 002
            55. Grunge map 003
            56. Grunge map 004
            57. Grunge map 005
            58. Grunge map 006
            59. Grunge map 007
            60. Grunge map 008
            61. Grunge map 009
            62. Grunge map 010
            63. Grunge map 011
            64. Grunge map 012
            65. Grunge map 013
            66. Grunge map 014
            67. Grunge map 015
            68. Grunge rough dirty
            69. Grunge rust fine
            70. Grunge scratches dirty
            71. Grunge scratches fine
            72. Grunge scratches rough
            73. Grunge shavings
            74. Grunge splashes dusty
            75. Grunge spots
            76. Grunge spots dirty
            77. Liquid
            78. Messy fibers 1
            79. Messy fibers 2
            80. Messy fibers 3
            81. Microscope view
            82. Moisture noise
            83. Perlin noise
            84. Plasma
            85. Caustics
            86. Voronoi
            87. Voronoi fractal
            88. Waveform 1
            89. White noise
            90. White noise fast
          3. Patterns
            1. Patterns
            2. 3D linear gradient
            3. 3D volume mask
            4. Alveolus
            5. Arc pavement
            6. Brick 1
            7. Brick 2
            8. Brick generator
            9. Checker 1
            10. Cube 3D
            11. Cube 3D GBuffers
            12. Fibers 1
            13. Fibers 2
            14. Gaussian 1
            15. Gaussian 2
            16. Gradient axial
            17. Gradient axial reflected
            18. Gradient circular
            19. Gradient linear 1
            20. Gradient linear 2
            21. Gradient linear 3
            22. Gradient radial
            23. Height extrude
            24. Mesh 1
            25. Mesh 2
            26. Panorama shape
            27. Polygon 1
            28. Polygon 2
            29. Scratches generator
            30. Shape
            31. Shape extrude
            32. Shape mapper
            33. Shape splatter
            34. Shape splatter blend
            35. Shape splatter data extract
            36. Shape splatter to mask
            37. Splatter
            38. Splatter circular
            39. Star
            40. Starburst
            41. Stripes
            42. Tile generator
            43. Tile random
            44. Tile random 2
            45. Tile sampler
            46. Triangle grid
            47. Weave 1
            48. Weave 2
            49. Weave generator
        3. Filters
          1. Filters
          2. Adjustments
            1. Adjustments
            2. Apply color palette
            3. Auto levels
            4. Channel mixer
            5. Chrominance extract
            6. Clamp
            7. Color match
            8. Color to mask
            9. Contrast/Luminosity
            10. Convert to linear
            11. Convert to sRGB
            12. Create color palette (16)
            13. Grayscale conversion advanced
            14. Hald CLUT
            15. HDR range viewer
            16. Height map frequencies mapper
            17. Highpass
            18. Histogram compute
            19. Histogram equalize
            20. Histogram range
            21. Histogram render
            22. Histogram scan
            23. Non-uniform histogram scan
            24. Histogram select
            25. Histogram shift
            26. ID to mask grayscale
            27. Invert
            28. Lighting cancel high frequencies
            29. Lighting cancel low frequencies
            30. Luminance highpass
            31. Min max
            32. Modify color palette
            33. Pow
            34. Quantize color (Simple)
            35. Quantize color
            36. Quantize grayscale
            37. Replace color
            38. Replace color range
            39. Threshold
            40. View color palette
          3. Blending
            1. Blending
            2. Color (Blend node)
            3. Color burn
            4. Color dodge
            5. Difference
            6. Dissolve
            7. Linear burn
            8. Luminosity (Blend node)
            9. Multi switch
            10. Switch
          4. Blurs
            1. Blurs
            2. Anisotropic blur
            3. Blur HQ
            4. Median filter color
            5. Median filter grayscale
            6. MLV color
            7. MLV grayscale
            8. Non-uniform blur
            9. Radial blur
            10. Slope blur
          5. Channels
            1. Channels
            2. RGBA merge
            3. RGBA split
            4. Alpha merge
            5. Alpha split
            6. Pre-multiplied to straight
            7. Straight to pre-multiplied
          6. Effects
            1. Effects
            2. 3D texture position
            3. 3D texture SDF
            4. 3D texture surface render
            5. 3D texture volume render
            6. Ambient occlusion (HBAO)
            7. Ambient occlusion (RTAO)
            8. Anisotropic Kuwahara color
            9. Anisotropic Kuwahara grayscale
            10. Bevel
            11. Bevel smooth
            12. Cross section
            13. Curvature
            14. Curvature smooth
            15. Curvature sobel
            16. Diffusion color
            17. Diffusion grayscale
            18. Diffusion UV
            19. Directional distance
            20. Edge detect
            21. Emboss with gloss
            22. Extend shape
            23. Flood fill
            24. Flood fill mapper
            25. Flood fill to Bbox size
            26. Flood Fill to gradient
            27. Flood Fill to grayscale/color
            28. Flood Fill to index
            29. Flood Fill to position
            30. Flood Fill to random color
            31. Flood Fill to random grayscale
            32. FXAA
            33. Glow
            34. Mosaic
            35. Multi directional warp
            36. Non-uniform directional warp
            37. Reaction diffusion fast
            38. RT irradiance
            39. RT shadow
            40. Shadows
            41. Shape drop shadow
            42. Shape glow
            43. Shape stroke
            44. Summed area table
            45. Swirl
            46. Uber emboss
            47. Vector morph
            48. Vector warp
          7. Normal map
            1. Normal map
            2. Bent normal
            3. Facing normal
            4. Height normal blender
            5. Height to normal world units
            6. Normal blend
            7. Normal combine
            8. Normal invert
            9. Normal normalize
            10. Normal sobel
            11. Normal to height
            12. Normal to height HQ
            13. Normal transform
            14. Normal uncombine
            15. Normal vector rotation
          8. Tiling
            1. Tiling
            2. Make it tile patch
            3. Make it tile photo
          9. Transforms
            1. Transforms
            2. 3D texture offset
            3. Auto crop
            4. Cartesian to polar
            5. Clone (Filter node)
            6. Mirror (Filter node)
            7. Noise upscale 1
            8. Noise upscale 2
            9. Noise upscale 3
            10. Non-square transform
            11. Non-uniform rotation
            12. Polar to cartesian
            13. Quad transform
            14. Safe transform
            15. Skew
            16. Symmetry
            17. Symmetry slice
            18. Trapezoid transform
        4. Material filters
          1. Material filters
          2. 1-click
            1. 1-Click
            2. Bitmap to material light
          3. Effects (Material)
            1. Effects (Material)
            2. Height blend
            3. Material height blend
            4. Season filter
            5. Snow cover
            6. Water level
          4. Transforms (Material)
            1. Transforms (Material)
            2. Material transform
          5. Blending (Material)
            1. Blending (Material)
            2. Material adjustment blend
            3. Material blend
            4. Material color blend
            5. Material switch
            6. Multi-material blend
          6. PBR utilities
            1. PBR utilities
            2. BaseColor / Metallic / Roughness converter
            3. Base material
            4. PBR Albedo safe color
            5. PBR BaseColor / Metallic validate
            6. PBR Dielectric F0
            7. PBR Metal reflectance
            8. PBR render
            9. PBR render mapping
          7. Scan processing
            1. Scan processing
            2. AO cancellation
            3. Atlas scatter
            4. Atlas splitter
            5. Clone patch
            6. Color equalizer
            7. Crop
            8. Material clone patch
            9. Material crop
            10. Multi-angle to Albedo
            11. Multi-angle to Normal
            12. Multi-clone patch
            13. Multi-color equalizer
            14. Multi-crop
            15. Smart auto tile
        5. Mesh-based generators
          1. Mesh-based generators
          2. Mask generators
            1. Mask generators
            2. Bottom to top
            3. Cloth wear
            4. Dirt
            5. Dripping rust
            6. Dust
            7. Edge blur
            8. Edge damages
            9. Edge dirt
            10. Edge notch
            11. Edge select
            12. Edge speckle
            13. Edge wear
            14. Fiber glass edge wear
            15. Grease
            16. Ground dirt
            17. Leaks
            18. Leather wear
            19. Light
            20. Mask builder
            21. Metal edge eear
            22. Paint wear
            23. Selective dirt
            24. Sun bleach
            25. Surface brush
          3. Weathering
            1. Weathering
            2. Cracks weathering
            3. Fabric weathering
            4. Leather weathering
            5. Metal weathering
            6. Moss weathering
            7. Rock weathering
            8. Rust weathering
          4. Utilities (Mesh-based generators)
            1. Utilities (Mesh-based generators)
            2. 3D planar projection
            3. Material mesh data blender
            4. Material selector
            5. Mesh data combiner
            6. Triplanar
        6. Spline & Path tools
          1. Spline & Path tools
          2. Working with Path & Spline tools
          3. Path tools
            1. Path tools
            2. Paths format specifications
            3. Paths 2D transform
            4. Mask to Ppths
            5. Paths to spline
            6. Paths polygon
            7. Preview paths
            8. Paths warp
            9. Quad transform on path
            10. Paths select
            11. Paths vertex processor
            12. Paths vertex processor simple
          4. Spline tools
            1. Spline tools
            2. Paths to Spline
            3. Point list
            4. Scatter on Spline color
            5. Scatter on Spline grayscale
            6. Scatter Splines on Splines
            7. Spline 2D transform
            8. Spline (Cubic)
            9. Spline (Poly quadratic)
            10. Spline (Quadratic)
            11. Spline append
            12. Spline bridge (2 Splines)
            13. Spline bridge (List)
            14. Spline bridge mapper color
            15. Spline bridge mapper grayscale
            16. Spline circle
            17. Spline fill
            18. Spline flow mapper
            19. Spline mapper color
            20. Spline mapper grayscale
            21. Spline merge list
            22. Spline render
            23. Spline sample height
            24. Spline sample thickness
            25. Spline select
            26. Spline warp
            27. UV mapper color
            28. UV mapper grayscale
        7. 3D view (Library)
          1. 3D view (Library)
          2. HDRI tools
            1. HDRI tools
            2. Blackbody
            3. Color temperature adjustment
            4. Exposure
            5. Exposure preview
            6. HDR merge
            7. Nadir extract
            8. Nadir patch
            9. Panorama 3D position
            10. Panorama rotation
            11. Gradient 2 points
            12. Gradient linear (HDRI)
            13. Line light
            14. Physical sun/sky
            15. Plane light
            16. Shape light
            17. Sphere light
            18. Straighten horizon
  8. Substance function graphs
    1. Substance function graphs
    2. What is a Substance function graph?
    3. Create and edit a Substance function graph
    4. The Substance function graph
    5. Variables
      1. Variables
      2. Built-in variables
      3. Get a variable value
      4. Create a variable
    6. FX-maps
      1. FX-Maps
      2. How it works
      3. The Iterate node
      4. The Quadrant node
      5. Using Substance function graphs in FX-Maps
        1. Using Substance function graphs
          in FX-Maps
        2. Iterate and $number variable
        3. Using the Sampler nodes
        4. Using the Set/Sequence nodes
    7. Warnings in Substance function graphs
    8. Sample Substance function graphs
    9. Nodes reference for Substance function graphs
      1. Nodes reference for Substance function graphs
      2. Function nodes overview
      3. Constant nodes
      4. Vector and Swizzle nodes
      5. Get nodes
      6. Sampler nodes
      7. Cast nodes
      8. Operator nodes
      9. Logical nodes
      10. Comparison nodes
      11. Function nodes
      12. Control nodes
  9. MDL graphs
    1. MDL graphs
    2. Main MDL graph concepts
    3. Creating an MDL graph
    4. MDL library
    5. Exposing parameters in MDL graphs
    6. Substance graphs and MDL materials
    7. Exporting MDL content
    8. Warnings in MDL graphs
    9. MDL learning resources
  10. Bakers
    1. Bakers
    2. Bakers legacy interface
  11. Best practices
    1. Best practices
    2. Filesize reduction guidelines
    3. Graph creation etiquette
    4. Performance optimization guidelines
  12. Pipeline and project configuration
    1. Pipeline and project configuration
    2. Project configuration files - SBSPRJ
    3. Configuration list - SBSCFG
    4. User preferences - Automating setup
    5. Retrieving the installation path
    6. Environment variables
  13. Color management
    1. Color management
    2. Spot colors (Pantone)
  14. Package metadata
  15. Scripting
    1. Scripting
    2. Plugin basics
    3. Plugin search paths
    4. Plugins packages
    5. Plugin manager
    6. Python editor
    7. Accessing graphs and selections
    8. Nodes and properties
    9. Undo and redo
    10. Application callbacks
    11. Creating user interface elements
    12. Adding actions to the Explorer toolbar
    13. Using color management
    14. Using spot colors
    15. Logging
    16. Using threads
    17. Debugging plugins using Visual Studio Code
    18. Porting previous plugins
    19. Packaging plugins
    20. Scripting API reference
  16. Technical issues
    1. Technical issues
    2. Warnings and errors
    3. Cannot create/load a project
    4. Application does not start
    5. Crash when rendering graphs
    6. Parameters not working as expected
    7. Incorrect image output
    8. 3D View issues
    9. User interface issues
    10. Python issues
    11. Substance model graph feature is missing
  17. Release notes
    1. Release notes
    2. All changes
    3. Version 14.1
    4. Version 14.0
    5. Version 13.1
    6. Version 13.0
    7. Version 12.4
    8. Version 12.3
    9. Version 12.2
    10. Version 12.1
    11. Version 11.3
    12. Version 11.2
    13. Version 2021.1 (11.1)
    14. Old versions
      1. Old versions
      2. Version 2020.2 (10.2)
      3. Version 2020.1 (10.1)
      4. Version 2019.3 (9.3)
      5. Version 2019.2 (9.2)
      6. Version 2019.1 (9.1)

Publishing Substance 3D asset files (SBSAR)

This page explains how Substance 3D Designer can publish packages as Substance 3D asset files, a special file format with the SBSAR extension, used within the Substance ecosystem as well as in other applications supporting it.

It's usually better to use a Substance 3D asset instead of bitmaps, as it is a lot more flexible and lightweight. If you are using them in Substance 3D Painter, Sampler or Player, it is faster to use the Send To functionality.

In this page

Publishing SBSAR files simplified

Publishing concepts

it is good to keep the following in mind when publishing a Substance graph:

  • You publish a package, with all it contents, not an individual Substance graph. A Substance 3D asset then lets you generate content from all Substance graphs inside this package.
  • Published packages are completely stand-alone: all resources required are embedded into the file. That means they are much easier to share than SBS files.
  • The output from Substance 3D assets can be completely dynamic. Resolution is not set; exposed parameters can be modified. However, editing the Graph is no longer possible.
  • Substance 3D assets can be used outside of Designer, in all Adobe Substance 3D products, Adobe Dimension as well as any other application that has a Substance integration.
  • Publishing is different from Exporting, make sure you understand well the difference.

Preparing to publish

Publishing takes some more preparation than Exporting Bitmaps. That's because your published Substance 3D assets are dynamic tools, not just a static snapshot of the current state of your textures. Specifically, you want to keep the following in mind:

  • Make sure graph resolutions (Output Size) are set to the Relative To parent inheritance method, which means they are dynamic and can be changed on the fly.

  • Make sure graph outputs are set up correctly with names, labels and usage tags.
  • Make sure Parameters, if needed are organized and named properly.
  • Make sure the Output size property of all Bitmap nodes are set to the Absolute inheritance method. If that is not the case, their referenced Bitmap resource will be saved at the default 256*256 resolution in the published Substance 3D asset file, which will impact the quality of one or more outputs.
  • If graphs are present in the package that should not be available outside of Designer (for example helper or "tool" sub-graphs that only work in a specific context), set them up to be hidden in their properties. See further below.

Publishing methods

Once you are ready to publish, there are two ways to access the Publishing Dialog, both are through the Explorer Window.

In the Explorer window, Right-clicking on the package and choosing Publish .sbsar file..., alternative Hotkey Ctrl + P.

After Publishing with dialog once, you can also use Publish .sbsar file as previous to repeat the publishing process without seeing the dialogs, immediately publishing with the same settings.

In the Explorer window, by clicking the Publish button in the top toolbar.

After Publishing with dialog once, you can also use the Publish as previous button to repeat the publishing process without seeing the dialogs, immediately publishing with the same settings.

Asset publishing options

Before the Asset Publish Options appear, you will be prompted to save the Substance 3D file (SBS) if this has not been done, and you will be prompted where to save the Substance 3D asset. To avoid seeing the file prompts and dialog and getting your file out faster, use Publish as previous methods described above.

Asset publishing options

The following options are available:

File Path opens a file dialog to choose where to save the Substance 3D asset file. The default path is the system's user documents. If the package was saved, the path is the package location. If the package was published during the session, the path is the last publish location.

Archive compression sets compression options for the archive, affects filesize.

Generate missing icons uses built-in PBR render techniques to create thumbnails for each graph's attribute.

Exposed graphs lists all graphs that will be exposed in this package, see below for excluding graphs.


Random Seed Exposure

The Random Seed exposure settings are no longer available in the Publish dialog. Instead, set your graph's random seed attribute to Absolute instead of relative to avoid it becoming available.

Excluding graphs from published asset

Some graphs in your package might not be intended for usage outside. These sub-graphs are usually meant as part of a larger whole, a subroutine of a master material.

To exclude a graph from becoming visible or usable inside an Substance 3D asset file, access that graph's properties (double click empty area in graph View or single-click the graph in the Explorer), then open the Attributes rollout. Set Exposed in SBSAR to No to hide it when published.

Publish dialog warnings

The Publish dialog sometimes gives warnings in yellow. Common ones are listed below, with an explanation and solution.

  • One or more graphs do not have an output
    This warning means you are trying to publish a package with one or more graphs that have no output nodes. Solution is to add Output nodes to the graphs with a yellow warning triangle.
  • One or more graphs have a non-relative to parent output size parameter
    This warning means one or more graphs have been set to incorrect Output sizes. Usually it is the properties of a graph itself. The warning means you will not have dynamic resolution control over this graph when published. Solution is to go into graph properties for those with a yellow triangle, and set the Output Size's inheritance method to Relative to Parent.

Substance 3D asset limitations

While the Substance 3D asset is the most powerful and most dynamic format in the Substance Ecosystem, there are some small, technical limitations to be aware of.

  • Published Substance 3D asset packages are a one-way file format. You cannot "decompile" a Substance 3D asset back to a Substance 3D file (SBS). The only way to "edit" a Substance 3D asset, is to edit the original Substance 3D file. You can still use Substance 3D asset package contents as nodes inside new Substance graphs (open and drag-and-drop), so this is not a huge limitation.
  • Substance 3D asset files have versions that infer compatibility. The core Substance Engine is updated from time to time with new features. packages that use these features need to be read by applications that support these new features. This is not an issue for all Substance Applications, as they are all updated at the same time, but Plugins and integrations might have longer compatibility delays.
    Use the Substance Engine Compatibility display options in the Project Preferences to track down any potential issues.
  • Some exposed parameters – such as static parameters – are hidden once a graph is published as part of a Substance 3D asset. See the Limitations section of the Exposing a parameter page for a list of these parameters and to learn more about static parameters in general.

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