Change source audio channel mapping

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Learn how to change the source audio channel mapping for one or more clips containing audio.

  1. Select one or more clips containing audio in the Project panel.
  2. Select Clip in the menu bar, and then select Modify > Audio Channels.

If you select more than one audio clip, ensure the track format is the same for all the selected clips. If your workflow relies on modifying the source clips using Modify Audio Channels, do not use proxies in Premiere Pro. Doing so will result in unexpected behavior.

  1. You'll see a matrix in the Audio Channels dialog box with the clip channels on the left and the source channels at the top. Select the corresponding cell in the matrix to map a clip channel to a source channel. A checkmark indicates that the clip channel is mapped to that source channel.
Select the audio output channel mapping for a stereo track.

  1. To preview the audio in a channel, select the source channel, select the Playback button, or use the slider.
Use the options under the Preview Media Source Channel to specify previewing the source channel.

Use the options under the Preview Media Source Channel to specify previewing the source channel.

  1. Select OK.


The source audio channel mapping is changed for the clips containing audio in the project.


You cannot modify the audio channels of a merged clip. They must be mono by default. However, you can still reorder and enable or disable all the available audio channels from the component clips.