Last updated on Dec 14, 2023
Before you begin

Enter the Trim mode by selecting the Program or the Timeline panel and pressing Shift + T.

  1. In the Program Monitor, move the cursor slowly across the two clips.
  2. As you drag from left to right, you can view the tool change from Trim Out (left side) to Roll (center) to Trim In (right).
  3. Drag in between both clips to perform a roll edit.
  4. To trim in or trim out, move the cursor to the left or right until you get the yellow trim icon, then trim inward or outward.

Use multiple modifier keys to refine a trim selection. Press Alt (Windows) or Option (macOS) when selecting clips to temporarily unlink audio and video. This makes selecting just the audio or video portion of a clip easier.Press Shift to select multiple edit points. You can trim multiple tracks or even multiple clips at the same time. Wherever you see a trim “handle, ” adjustments will be made when you apply a trim. Combine these two modifier keys to make advanced trimming selections.


You’ll be able to do regular trims, rolling edits, and ripple edits in Trim mode.