Auto transcribe video using Speech-to-Text

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Automatically generate transcripts and add captions to your videos to improve accessibility with Speech-to-Text in Premiere Pro. 

Before you begin

While importing your media, you can enable Automatic transcription under Import settings. 

To further access transcription settings:

  1. Select Window > Text.
  2. Select the   icon in the Transcript tab to open the Generate static transcript dialog box to set your transcription options.

Generate static transcripts from the Transcript tab of the Text panel.

  • Language: You can select the language in the video and download the language pack if necessary.
  • Speaker labeling: You can choose to separate or not separate the speakers in the video.
  • Audio analysis: You can transcribe audio clips tagged as Dialogue using the Essential Sound panel or transcribe audio from a specific audio track.
  • Transcribe in point to out point only: You can specify to transcribe the audio within that range of marked In and Out points.
  • Merge output with existing transcription: You can insert the auto-transcription into an existing one when transcribing between specific In and Out points. Selecting this option creates continuity between the existing transcription and the new one.
  1. Select Transcribe.


Premiere Pro will start the transcription process and display the results within the Transcript tab.