Edit keyframe graphs from a Timeline panel

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Learn how to modify keyframe values and edit keyframe graphs in the Timeline panel.

Before you begin

Make sure the Timeline panel has at least one clip containing one or more effects with keyframes.

  1. Select the clip, and then select the Effect Controls panel.
  2. Ensure that the keyframes for the clip or track are visible in the Timeline panel.
  3. In the Effect Controls panel, select the icon next to the control you want to adjust to expose its Value and Velocity graphs.
  4. In the effect menu that appears after the name of the clip or track, select the property you want to adjust. If you don’t see the effect menu, try increasing the magnification of the Timeline panel.
  5. Use the Selection   or Pen   tool and position it over a keyframe or keyframe segment. The Selection or Pen tool changes to the keyframe pointer or the keyframe segment pointer.

If you want to edit multiple or nonadjacent keyframes, select those keyframes.

  1. Do any combination of the following:
  • Drag a keyframe or segment up or down to change the value. As you drag, a tooltip indicates the current value. If no keyframes are present, dragging adjusts the value for the entire clip or track.
  • Drag a keyframe left or right to change the time location of the keyframe. As you drag, a tooltip indicates the current time. If you move a keyframe onto another keyframe, the new keyframe replaces the old one.


The Value and Velocity graphs in the Effect Controls panel will show changes made to keyframes in the Timeline panel.