Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Explore different ways to select keyframes that fit your animation workflow and needs.

If you want to modify or copy a keyframe, first select it in the Timeline panel. Unselected keyframes appear hollow, and selected keyframes appear solid. You don’t need to select segments between keyframes because you can drag segments directly. Also, segments automatically adjust when you change the keyframes that define their end points.

There are multiple ways to select keyframes depending on your editing workflows and needs.

  • To select a keyframe, use the Selection  or Pen  tool to select the Keyframe icon in the Timeline panel.
  • To select multiple keyframes, Shift-click with the Selection or Pen tool to select multiple contiguous or non-contiguous keyframes in the Timeline panel.

When you position the Selection   or Pen   tool over a keyframe, the pointer appears with a Keyframe icon. 

  • To select multiple keyframes by dragging in the Timeline panel, use the Pen tool to draw a marquee selection box around the keyframes. Shift-drag to add more keyframes to an existing selection.
  • In the Effect Controls panel, you can also use the Selection tool to drag and select multiple keyframes.
  • To select all keyframes for a property in the Effect Controls panel, select the layer property name. For example, select Position to select all the Position keyframes for a layer.