Move the Current Time Indicator to a keyframe

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Learn how to move the Current Time Indicator (CTI) to the closest keyframe in the Timeline panel.

Both the Effect Controls and Timeline panels have keyframe navigators, which have left and right arrows to move the Current Time Indicator from one keyframe to the next. In the Timeline panel, the keyframe navigator is enabled after you activate keyframes for an effect property.

Before you begin

Create a sequence with audio and video clips, apply effects, and add keyframes to them.

  1. In the Timeline or Effects Control panel, select a keyframe navigator arrow.
  • The left-pointing arrow moves the Current Time Indicator to the previous keyframe.
  • The right-pointing arrow moves the Current Time Indicator to the next keyframe.
The keyframe navigation arrow for the Scale property in the Effect Controls panel.
Use the keyframe navigator arrow to move the Current Time Indicator to the closest keyframe.

  1. In the Effect Controls panel, you can also Shift-drag the current-time indicator to snap to a keyframe.


The Current Time Indicator will move to the closest keyframes based on your selection of the keyframe navigator arrow.