Set sample-based audio In and Out points

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Learn how to set, navigate, and trim sample-based audio points in the Timeline panel.

The Audio Timeline provides a view of audio elements over time. Audio tracks appear as green bars with an audio waveform. You can edit audio just like you edit other objects in the timeline. 

An overview of Audio Timeline when there are multiple audio clips added to the project.
An overview of Audio Timeline when there are multiple audio clips added to the project.

In and Out points are set at time-base divisions between video frames. Although frame-based edits can be adequate for audio, some edits require greater precision. For example, sample-based editing can help if you want to place an In point between two words in a sentence, but the tiny division between words doesn’t conveniently fall between frames. Because digital audio is divided into audio samples, rather than frames that occur more infrequently, switching the sequence’s time ruler to audio samples allows you to set more precise audio In and Out points.

Switch a time ruler to audio units in the Source or Program Monitor

In the Timeline panel, select the panel menu   next to the sequence name and select Show Audio Time Units from the drop-down menu.

The Timeline panel menu open with the Select Show Audio Time Units option selected.
Select Show Audio Time Units from the Timeline panel to view the audio timeline in smaller units than frames.

Navigate audio in sample view

  1. Switch the time ruler in the Timeline panel to audio units using the Show Audio Time Units option from the Timeline panel menu.
  2. Drag the Current Time Indicator in the time ruler to navigate through the clip.
  3. You can also select the Step Forward 1 Frame (Right) or Step Back 1 Frame (Left) buttons to move the Current Time Indicator one audio sample at a time.


You can now use the navigate between the audio clip in the sample view.

Trim audio in sample view in a Timeline panel

  1. In the Timeline panel menu, select Show Audio Time Units. The time rulers in the Timeline panel and Program Monitor switch to a sample-based scale.
  2. Select Timeline Display Settings icon in the Timeline panel and select Show Audio Waveform to display audio as waveforms in the timeline.
A screenshot of a video editing programDescription automatically generated
Select the Show Audio Waveform option to view the audio levels of your clips and to make edits to the audio.

  1. View the audio In point or Out point of the clip you want to edit in detail by dragging the zoom slider to the left.
  2. Trim the clip by doing one of the following:
    • To adjust the In point, position the pointer over the left edge of the clip’s audio so that the trim head icon appears, and drag left or right.
    • To adjust the Out point, position the pointer over the right edge of the clip’s audio so that the trim tail icon appears, and drag left or right.


Use the waveform display or play the audio to ensure you adjusted the In and Out points properly.