Freeze a frame for a portion of a clip using Time Remapping

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Freezing a frame for a portion of a clip involves temporarily stopping the video playback at a specific frame and holding that frame for a duration before resuming normal playback.

Before you begin

Import a clip on to the timeline.

  1. In the Timeline panel, select Time Remapping > Speed from the Clip Effect menu.

The Clip Effect menu appears next to the filename of every clip in a video track. If the Clip Effect menu doesn't appear, zoom in to the clip.

A horizontal rubber band that controls the speed of the clip appears across the center of the clip. The clip is shaded in contrasting colors above and below the 100% speed demarcation. A white speed-control track appears in the upper portion of the clip, just below the clip title bar.

  1. Select Ctrl (Windows) or Command (mac OS) on the rubber band to create a speed keyframe 
  2. Ctrl+Alt-drag (Windows) or Option+Command-drag (macOS) the speed keyframe to the place at which you want the freeze frame to end.

Be sure to drag the rubber band horizontally, not vertically as you do with other keyframes.

A second keyframe is created at the place where you dropped the keyframe. The inner half keyframes, the hold keyframes, take on a squared appearance as compared with regular speed keyframes. You cannot drag a hold keyframe unless you create a speed transition. Vertical tick marks appear in the speed control track to indicate the clip segment playing freeze frames.


Freeze frame is applied for a portion of the clip.