Automatically manage your Media Cache files

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

Explore different ways to set preferences in Premiere Pro to automatically manage your media cache files.

You can set your preferences for the media cache using the following options:

  1. Do not delete cache files automatically: This setting is enabled by default in the Media Cache preferences. Automatic deletion of media cache files applies only to .pek, .cfa, and .ims files within the subdirectory folders Peak Files and Media Cache Files.
  2. Automatically delete cache files older than: The default value is 90 days. You can change it to a time period of your preference.
  3. Automatically delete oldest cache files when cache exceeds: The default is 10% of the volume size where the media cache is located.

When either the age or size preference is enabled, changes take place after quitting and restarting Premiere Pro. On the next application launch, Premiere Pro determines whether the media cache files meet the criteria for deletion and if so, begins deletion 10 minutes after launch.

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